Archive - Apr 14, 2005

The ABC's of Deval Patrick

It was thirty years ago. It seems like it was a different time, a different life, a different world. Nixon had resigned. The country was licking its wounds after Vietnam. I was a high school student getting my first taste of politics. I went to Mount Greylock Regional High School; a school that I had been told was one of the best public high schools in the country. I was proud of my high school and the education I was receiving there.

We were not a well to do family in Williamstown. I had friends who came from very well off families. I also had friends who came from less fortunate circumstances than myself. There was a program at our school called, "A Better Chance". Highly qualified students from poor communities around the country would come to great schools like Mt. Greylock to get a good education and, a better chance.

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Quick Notes

I am about to head up to Boston where I will be leading a workshop on blogging at the Grassroots Use of Technology sponsored by the Organizers' Collaborative. I don't know what my connectivity will be like, or how much time I'll have to write.

However, with all the stuff that has been going on, I doubt my writing can be less frequent than it has been so far this month.

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