Archive - 2005

June 3rd

Book Blogs

Today, I received an email from Leon Benjamin about his new book, Winning by Sharing. I've checked out the website and found the link to the book's blog.

It seems as if this is an important emerging trend. Christian Crumlish's website for his book The Power of Many is a blog.

The website for the book Extreme Democracy, which I have a chapter in, is also a blog.

June 2nd

Connecticut Political Gossip

Updated to fix error. (See Comments)

(Note: I don't usually go for political gossip, and I'm not Wonkette, nor is this as juicy, but there is a bunch of political gossip going around that I thought should be shared.)

Last night, the Torrington DFA Meetup had various candidates speaking about their campaigns. Mayor DeStefano was there and in my role as BlogMaster for the DeStefano campaign I attended. However, the interesting parts of the Meetup weren’t Mayor DeStefano's stump speech. Sure, many people spoke with me afterwards saying, "He’s good." Instead, the political gossip was what captured a lot of people's attention.

June 1st

Homeless Children, International, Redux

Early last month, I wrote this blog entry about Homeless Children, International - Kenya.

Today, I received an email from Megan White that Channel 12 will be showing a brief clip about her work starting this evening at around 5:20, and continuing for the next day.

If you get a chance, please check it out.

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May 26th


Today, I got an interesting email. It was from Margie Ware in Williamstown, Massachusetts. She had read my blog post about the Massachusetts Democratic State Platform Convention and had heard from someone that I had grown up in Williamstown.

We have sent a few emails back and forth in which I acknowledged growing up in Williamstown and she has pointed me to her blog, MargeBlog. I started reading the most recent post. It is about having coffee and stopping at the Post Office on Spring Street. I remember going down to Spring Street. I remember the Post Office. I remember the discussions that would happen as you ran into friends and neighbors on the street. It is a great post.

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Fiona at the Diner

Fiona at the Diner
Originally uploaded by Aldon.

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