Archive - 2005

April 4th

The Scream and The Kiss and Decency

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

A little over two years ago, as our country was marching towards war, my wife and I found ourselves getting involved in politics supporting a candidate that stood up for opinions contrary to the prevailing opinions of the time. He was a man who stood for decency and spoke his mind. Over the following year he went from being an asterisk to being the superstar front-runner.

It is an oversimplification to speak of Gov. Dean’s campaign as being an anti-war campaign and it is an oversimplification to speak of The Scream as the one media event that took him down. However, it is important to look closely at The Scream and think about what really happened there.

April 2nd


A few weeks ago, I was at an informal gathering of highly involved grassroots activists from around the country in Washington, D.C. There was some discussion about how Democratic Leaders were supporting Bob Casey, a pro-life moderate Democrat over Barbara Hafer, a defector from the Republican party, and whether this was a good thing or not. We don’t want ideological purity issues to prevent us from choosing a candidate that can defeat the incumbent, especially when the incumbent is someone like Rick Santorum. However, Chuck Pennachio was not mentioned in the discussion.

March 29th


Today, I received the following press release from John Orman, who has set up an exploratory committee to consider challenging Joe Lieberman in a Democratic Primary.

I am rushing off to other events, so I am posting this as is. Comments are, of course, welcome.

March 28th

Being a parent

Today, I stumbled across a great blog entry about Terri Schiavo. Courting Destiny has some words well worth reading.

As I read about Terri, I cannot help but wonder what her parents are thinking. The loss of a child, even as an adult, is a horrible thing. When Kim's mother died, her grandmother became very depressed and died within a year. Years ago, I had a coworker whose five year old son was hit by a school bus and I remember her grief.

I wonder what it is like for the people in Red Lake.

It is so common to second guess oneself in rearing a child. "What if I had done something differently?"

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March 27th

Easter 2005

I caught up on my emails, spent some time with my family, worked on a few work proposals, but haven’t had a good opportunity to sit down and write. There is so much to write about; primaries, new books, how my children are doing in school, my own concerns about next steps in my career. Yet, it is Easter, and that sets the tone.

This morning, I sat on the hard wood of the church pew and looked at the colored light streaming in through the stained glass hitting the rock wall. The altar was covered with Easter Lilies and I closed my eyes. It was a moment out of Proust. The smell of the flowers struck me like the taste of a madeleine cake. It was the fragrance of resurrection.