Archive - 2006

June 29th

“Can Old Media be part of the new news ecology?”

I’ve walked in a little late, following the end of the Citizen Filmmaking workshop and festival. (I will write more about this a little later.)

Currently, Michael Skoler from Minnesota Public Radio is talking about the efforts by MPR to expand their network of sources. He is talking about things that I heard in an article on ‘On the Media’, which prompted my blog entry, Micro-Journalism and the Irish Potato Famine.

David Platt talks about The Working Waterfront, a paper for the islands of Maine. He mentions concern about LNG plants being planned in Maine and the fact that several such plants are being built in New Brunswick.

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Demo from MGP2006

Demo from MGP2006
Watch the video
Originally uploaded by Aldon.

A quick demo of a video shot with a Cannon PowerShot during the Media Giraffe Project conference

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Fabrice Florin starts talking about John McManus introduces himself, talking about Peter Phillips talks about Project Censored and Philip Meyer questions whether or not we need to measure quality, or whether or not market forces will be sufficient. That said, can measuring quality help the market forces?

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MGP2006 : Finding a new definition of Journalism.

“Journalism is really conversation among citizens”

Tom Rosenstiel talks about public houses and how people would log what they had seen on their way to the public houses, and others would come and read those logs.

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Liveblogging the Media Giraffe Summit Thursday morning.

First talk this morning is by Steven Grey, executive director of the American Press Institute’s “Newspaper Next” initiative.

It is a one-year $2.7 million project of API, in partnership with Dr. Clayton Christensen, Innosight, LLC. It’s goal is to help the newspaper industry diversify.

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