Archive - 2007
January 10th
Both Sides Now of the Road not Taken
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Wed, 01/10/2007 - 09:36How do I go from meeting with people to talk about how my daughters can have the most successful educational experiences possible to a meeting with people to talk about the future of journalism? The easy answer is head south on I-81, throw the Paul Theroux tape in the cassette player and start driving. Yet that only addresses the logistics. As I drove down I-81 listening to stories about Mongolia, I looked out the window and saw cattle standing by the side of the highway with snow covered mountains in the distance. We haven’t had any snow on the ground up in Connecticut, and here I was in Virginia seeing snow in the distance. There was a disconnect between what I was seeing, what I was hearing and what I was thinking.
January 9th
On the road
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 09:06Last night, sleep worked hard to evade me. Surrounded by comfortable pillows with the aid of a sleeping pillow, I finally drifted off to a night of strange dreams. My mind has been churning a lot. I am in a hotel in Staunton, Virginia where Mairead, my eldest daughter is currently a junior at Mary Baldwin College. Miranda, my second daughter, is applying here and I will be speaking with various people about the educational goals of both of them. Mary Baldwin has a Program for the Exceptionally Gifted, which is how Mairead, aged 16 is a junior, and why Miranda, aged 13 is now applying.
From here, I will drive down to Memphis for the Journalism that Matters conference and the National Conference on Media Reform. Providing a soundtrack to all of this is Riding the Iron Rooster by Paul Theroux, which is the book on tape I’m listening to in the car.
Last night, I stopped at a local bar and grill. I sat at the bar and listened to the regulars chat with the bartender. She was a college student whose classes just started up again today. She spoke about starting her student teaching at a school in some nearby town. On her first day, she spoke with the students about what they had done during the Christmas break. One student spoke about visiting her grandparents in jail. My mind flashed back to Gina, to my resolution on Gather, to my discussions with Miranda about Freedom Writers. Freedom Writers is based on the true story of a teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach California.
My mind wanders the hour drive out of Long Beach up to Malibu where wild fires are currently raging. My wind wanders to the Woodrow Wilson Presidential library about a block from the hotel I am staying in here in Staunton. My mind tosses as I worry about how I will continue to pay my mortgage, or if I’ll be able to sell my house at a reasonable price, let alone how I’ll manage to support two kids in college.
When I left Theroux’s tape, he was settling into a railway car by himself on the trans-Siberian railroad with the staples he bought in Poland; a good setting to write. I’ve always wanted to ride the great railways of the world. I’ve always wanted to write about my travels. I guess that is part of the reason I digress and talk about the student teacher at the bar. That, tied together with a resolution to help people find their voices and the needs to feed and educate my family gives my mind plenty to churn about.
Will I find the best things to do for my daughters’ education? Will I find chances to write? To help others find their voices? Will I find a way to finance all of this? I guess this trip is more than just a physical road trip.
January 8th
Why I am canceling Google AdSense
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 09:23Last Thursday, I received an email from 'Google Adsense' saying:
It has come to our attention that invalid clicks or impressions have been generated on the Google ads on your site(s) through users of third-party programs paid or provided with other incentives to visit your site. Such programs may include, but are not limited to auto-surf, pay-to-surf, pay-to-read, or pay-to-click sites.
I responded:
I do not know of any invalid clicks that have been generated on Google ads for my site. Can you provide me additional information, such as the IP addresses this is occuring from, the time, and any suggestions about how I can prevent this?
Today, I received an email from Google stating:
As you know, Google treats instances of invalid click and impression activity very seriously. As a reminder, we cannot disclose any details about how our monitoring technology works or what specifics we found on your account. However, we can assure you that we have thoroughly re-reviewed your account, and have confirmed that your account violated our program's Terms and Conditions.
The email was from 'The Google AdSense Team' and provided no useful information.
In my response, I noted
It appears as if you are hiding behind the rationale that providing any substantiation of your allegations would make it easier for others to take advantage of you. This rationale is very similar to the one used by the current U.S. Administration for doing away with a thousand years of jurisprudence and our basic civil rights.
I also told them I would stop using AdSense and encourage other bloggers to do the same.
Google is a very large corporation, and over the two and a quarter years that I've used AdSense, I've earned a total of around $70, so my leaving AdSense won't really affect either me or Google.
Yet I do hope that this blog entry causes others to stop and question whether or not Google can or should be trusted as an advertising vendor.
January 7th
Gathering Voices
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Sun, 01/07/2007 - 13:24On New Year’s Day, I wrote this post about my New Year’s resolution. I cross posted it to since the idea really came as a response to a Gather advertisement.
Today, I received an email from Gather saying:
On behalf of the Gather Editorial Team, I am pleased to inform you that your New Year's resolution has been chosen to appear on the Gather home page tomorrow, Monday, January 8, 2007 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. ET. In addition, you have won a $50 gift card to Borders. Congratulations!
Needless to say, I’m very excited about this. I do hope that a lot of people read my resolution and spend some time thinking about how they can help people around them find their voices.
January 6th
Freelance Journalist Arrested, will the Judiciary committee investigate?
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Sat, 01/06/2007 - 10:56(Below is the email I have sent to Sen. Andrew McDonald, chair of the Senate Judiciary committee, concerning the arrest of Ken Krayeske.)
Sen. McDonald,
I am not sure if you are aware of the issue surrounding the arrest of Ken Krayeske, a freelance journalist who was photographing the inauguration parade of Gov. M. Jodi Rell.
The arrest raises many important questions concerning our freedoms of press. Perhaps the most important are concerning the Connecticut Intelligence Center. Does the Judicial Committee conduct oversight of this center? Is the center properly protecting us from terrorism, or is it squandering resources by thwarting legitimate political dissent? Who is on the list of possible threats? Does it include other journalists or political activists? Is the list being properly reviewed by an oversight committee?
Another important issue is why was bail set excessively high? Why was he released at 1 AM? Was the fact that the inauguration ball was over make Ken some how less of a threat of not showing up for his hearing?
I do hope that the Senate Judiciary committee conducts a review of this affair. For additional information, I am including pointers to articles in the traditional and new media.
Aldon Hynes
247 Old Long Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06930
It is currently begin covered in the traditional media at sites like CT News Junkie, The Hartford Courant, The Associated Press and WTIC:,0,6152580....
It is also getting considerable coverage in the Connecticut blogs: