Archive - Feb 15, 2008

1983 Journal: Jan 29-31

January 29, 1983: What am I looking for? Having spent a domestic day and reading Bukowski. I push myself hard until I burnout, then I feel guilty about burnout. Stardust memories. Non Sequitur of locations. Existentialism met with a laugh, and loving ladies lost on lithium. Oh well. In my despair, existential and verbicidal, I pour myself a stiff one, and prepare to cry myself to sleep. Woody Allen recalls the transcendent moment from the existential despair.

January 30, 1983: Coffee with Dave Sturman, “Since I got into EST, I don’t get into intellectual discussions, I mean, like so what?” Searching for a sense of religious community. Dogwood festival in Tennessee. When I pass through Miami, the sixth borough.

January 31, 1983: Bukowski – writer’s blocks and sex. And I ask myself, what do I have to say? My life seems horribly ordinary. And yet, I’ll go to the Opera Thursday with a beautiful woman I met on the trains.

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IT Careers that make a difference!

Missouri IT Job Fair, originally uploaded by Aldon.

Today, the State of Missouri IT department is having a job fair in Second Life, thanks in large part to Jedadiah Juran and his innovative approaches to recruiting IT staff, as featured in Government Technology and State Tech Magazines. I spoke with Jedadiah prior to the job fair and my discussion with him led me to write this article about recruiting in Second Life.

Yet for me, it was the comments by Cale Bellios that caught my attention.

Why do Ben and Jerry make ice cream?
Why does Starbucks make coffee?
Why does GMC make trucks?
The only correct answer to all three questions is to make money. And I’m not saying that answer is bad. Ben and Jerry, the entity and the people, along with the fine folks at Starbucks do a lot of good with the money they make.
GMC keeps John Cougar Mellencamp employed. But deep down past the mission statements and public relations, it’s about making money.
Now ask yourself,
Why do Health Clinics offer free immunization shots?
Why does the Highway Patrol watch over our roads and enforce our laws?
Why does the Department of Natural Resources award permits to building sites?
There are higher values in life than making money. When your profit is measured in healthy communities, safe places to live, and a clean environment then you are a part of something bigger than big business,
something more satisfying than sales reports, more beneficial than bottom line.
Missouri state jobs are not about politics and elections;
they are about providing the technology backbone on which kids are rescued from abuse,
the unemployed find work, the sick and poor find respite.
Where students and businesses grow to improve the quality of life across Missouri.

Jedadiah points out that this theme of careers that makes a difference permeates their online presence, as illustrated by the quote at the bottom of their IT Careers website:

If you are looking for a career where your work truly matters then we invite you to explore the numerous available positions building the systems that serve the public good. Our award winning environment will not only challenge you, but you will have an immediate opportunity to make a difference!

It is great to see a focus on making a difference and not just making a buck.

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In Memoriam, In Second Life

In Memoriam, In Second Life, originally uploaded by Aldon.

For the shooting victims at Northern Illinois University.

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