Archive - 2010

January 24th

This Week in Woodbridge

It will be a busy couple of weeks in Woodbridge, CT as the Operating Budget presentations start at Town Hall on Tuesday in additional the regularly scheduled meetings.

On Monday, the Beecher Road Parent Teacher Organization will hold a meeting at 6 PM focusing on “PTO: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.” This is an important meeting and they will provide childcare and pizza for children ages 2 and older. If you are planning to attend and bringing a child, please contact Penny Zamkov so she can make sure there is enough pizza and babysitters.

At 7 PM, the Woodbridge Recreation Commission Meeting will take place in the Beecher South Assembly Room. They have a full agenda, including a discussion of the 90 foot baseball diamond request, an Amity Youth Lacrosse field request, a Woodbridge Soccer field request, and any other field requests that may come up. There will be discussions about the pool, personnel, the fitness room, and outdoor facilities including not only baseball and multi-purpose fields, but also the walking trails at the skating rink. Also on the agenda is the tennis courts, the summer concerts, the road race, and any other business that may come before the commission.

The first of the operating budget presentations is scheduled for Tuesday at 6 PM at Town Hall. The tentative schedule includes the Fire and Pollice Commissions, WGATV, Human Services, Building Department, Inland Wetlands, Town Planning and Zoning, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Tax Collector, Tax Assessor, and Board of Tax Review and finally the Board of Selectmen, Information Systems, and Finance.

For those more concerned about personal finance, there will be a workshop at the public library about applying for college financial aid. This workshop will also start at 6 PM.

On Wednesday, the Board of Selectmen will have their regularly scheduled meeting. The agenda is not yet available.

On Thursday, the second operating budget presentation is scheduled at 6 PM at Town Hall. Presentations scheduled for Thursday tentatively include the town auditor, Recreation, Facilities, including Public Works, Waste Management, and Remediation, the Registrar of Voters, the Town Clerk’s office, the Library, the Former Firehouse, General Administration, Medical Services, and the Thomas Darling House.

For those looking for lighter entertainment, the library will be showing (500) Days of Summer, start at 7 PM.

Friday at 6 PM will be First Grade Social Night at Beecher Road School. Throughout the week, the library will also be running its various programs for toddlers, as well as many events at Amity.

(Cross-posted at the Woodbridge Citizen.)

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January 23rd

Random Updates

First the first time in many days, I’ve caught up on the email, and read my minimum quota of blog posts. By caught up on email, I mean that I’ve read every email that has come into my two main email accounts this month. I still have 167 to reply to and 92 of them are marked urgent in my in box, and with another 43 marked urgent stuck away in various folders.

Some emails will be a bit of work to respond to. I’ve been helping various people out with their websites, and some of the responses are long. Others, should really be worked into blog posts, but I may not ever get around to giving them the attention they need. So, instead, I’m going to highlight various things

Grapski v. Alachua

One issue I’ve been following closely is the case of Charlie Grapski and his various issues with assorted authorities in Alachua County Florida. Earlier this month, Circuit Judge James Nilon called Charlie Grapski a ‘bully’.

Circuit Judge James Nilon shook his head as he looked at Alachua political activist Charles Grapski. …

“That day, you didn’t want to seek access to the courts,” Nilon said. “…You couldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

Nilon said Grapski uses his “intellect to bully people.”

“In my view, you don’t know where your individual liberties end,” Nilon said.

A few weeks later, A state district court ruled that Alachua violated state open records law. Charlie Grapski wouldn’t seek no for an answer when the county was breaking the law. Instead of being arrested and bullied by the police, he should have been given a medal.

Upcoming Events

January 25th Robert Burns Birthday! Hoist a dram to wash down a bite of haggis as we honor the famous Scottish Bard. Also, the Beecher Road Parent Teacher Organization is having a big meeting in the evening.

January 26th, 9:30 A Forum on State Budget Reform and Connecticut’s Economic Development Strategies will take place in the Old Judiciary Room at the State Capitol in Hartford.

January 29th The movie, “The End of Poverty?” will return to New York City showing at the Cinema Village.

January 31st A Democratic “Party for the Party” will take place Sunday afternoon from 4 to 6 PM at The Fat Cat Company, 9 Wall Street, Norwalk, CT. This is a free party with a chance to meet candidates for Senator, Governor, Congress, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Comptroller, Attorney General and the State Legislature.

February 5th and 6th For those of you interested in traditional journalism, the New England Newspaper and Press Association 2010 Convention will take place in Boston.

February 6th For those interested in newer forms of journalism, PodCampWesternMass will take place Westfield State College.

A final note: Today is National Pie Day. Bishop’s Orchards in Guilford, CT is having a special pie sale today and tomorrow to celebrate.

There are a lot of other random updates that I should include, but that’s good enough for now. Time to step away from the computer and enjoy the beautiful day.

January 22nd

Good Business Pledge of Noninterference in U.S. Politics.

The Wall Street Journal has an article, Big Donors Plan Boost in Campaign Spending which states:

Joe Ricketts, the founder of TD Ameritrade Holding Corp., whose family owns the Chicago Cubs baseball franchise, is forming a political organization with other individuals to run advertisements against lawmakers who use spending earmarks to steer government funds to home-state projects, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Given the outrage about this ruling, perhaps it is time to call on corporations to support true representative democracy in the United States and pledge not to meddle in U.S. politics. Those that make such a pledge should be supported. Those that try to disenfranchise their patrons by through actions like Mr. Ricketts should be boycotted.

It is worth noting that business leaders, including executives and retired executives from companies like Met Life, Hasbro, Delta, Crate and Barrel, and Stride Rite have urged Congress to pass the Fair Elections Now Act. These executives should lead the charge in getting companies to sign a Good Business Pledge of Noninterference in U.S. Politics.

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January 21st

Understanding the Citizen’s United Ruling

A top story on Google News and a trending topic on Twitter right now is the United States Supreme Court decision on Citizen’s United v. FEC. There are many aspects to this case, and many discussions are taking place on conference calls, emails, Facebook and beyond.

The reaction has been strong and fast. Rep. Alan Grayson referred to this as “the worst Supreme Court decision since the Dred Scott case.” Campaign Legal Center president Trevor Scott described the ruling as a historic mistake by activist judges. Common Cause president Bob Edgar described this as the superbowl of really bad decisions, returning us to a day when robber barons ruled. Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer described the decision as a disaster for the American people and a very dark day for the Supreme Court. Senator Chris Dodd describes this as “a terrible day for American Democracy” where the “Supreme Court has essentially given corporations free rein to drown out the voices of the America people.”

To illustrate Trevor Scott’s comment, it is worth nothing that the ruling strikes down over a century of U.S. Campaign law, overruled three Supreme Court rulings with no changes to justify overruling the previous rulings other than different justices on the bench, abandons judicial restraint by making a very broad ruling on very narrowly defined issues and shows distain for Congresses judgments about the political process.

In essence, what the ruling does is allow corporations to make unlimited independent expenditures supporting or opposing candidates. While much of the focus has been on political advertisements, which is what the initial case was about, this ruling allows for any sort of expenditures, such as direct mailings, paying people to go door to door to advocate for or against political candidates, and any other forms of independent expenditures.

How much money are we talking about? Well, if just the top hundred corporations in the United States each contributed 1% of their 2008 profits to campaigning for Presidential candidates, that would be over twice the total amount spent by all the candidates in the 2008 Presidential Election.

The ruling does not lift the ban on direct contributions to campaigns or the use of ‘soft-money’. The disclosure requirements were also upheld, yet are weak since it may be hard to trace the money through a trail of corporations from the corporation making the initial contribution to the corporation that finally makes the independent expenditure.

In terms of fixing the many problems that the Supreme Court decision has generated, there are three common approaches being discussed.

While the court ruling means that there can be no limit on corporate independent expenditures, it does not strike down voluntary public financing laws. One means to balance out the vast increase in the political powers of corporations is to increase public financing of campaigns.

In the U.S. Congress, there is the Fair Elections Now Act that has been introduced by Rep Larson from Connecticut and currently has 126 co-sponsors. One of the most important things people concerned about the Supreme Court decision should do is contact their legislators in Washington and ask them to support the Fair Elections Now Act.

Another effort is to add shareholder accountability to the requirements of corporations. Language has been drafted, but no legislation yet introduced, that would require any corporation to receive permission from a majority of shareholders before making any independent political expenditure.

Perhaps the most complicated effort is working towards a constitutional amendment that would limit or abolish corporate personhood. Constitutional amendments can take a long time, yet Sen. Dodd includes “a constitutional amendment to allow Congress and states to put appropriate limits on campaign spending” as one of the options he intends to pursue.

Over the coming hours and days, we can expect many more statements as well as ideas on how to deal with this problem.

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Citizen’s United Versus Representative Democracy

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations and labor unions may make unlimited independent expenditures to support or oppose candidates for election. This is based on two key issues. The first that money is speech, from Buckley v Valeo. The second is that corporations have the same legal rights as humans.

The response has been immediate. People have jokingly question whether that means that people can now marry corporations. It is worth noting that in many states marriage is still restricted to being between one male corporation and one female corporation. People have suggested that dogs or goats should incorporate so that they can have freedom of speech as well, as well as the right to marry, or perhaps even to vote. It is not yet clear if a corporation can run for Congress based on this ruling.

The winners are expected to be the people that produce campaign advertisements, and of course the corporations and labor unions. Other likely winners are likely to be large media corporations selling the ad time and political candidates benefiting from the influx of cash.

The losers are anyone that watches television where there are likely to be many more annoying political ads, as well as anyone who would like our country to be a representative democracy where the representation is the natural people of this country and not just corporate entities.

One other possible winner will be advocacy organizations trying to bring a little sanity back to our political process. Please Contribute Now!

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