Archive - Aug 16, 2015

Prepare Ye...

It has been an interesting day. I started off with me watching some videos on Facebook of Presiding Bishop Elect Michael Curry preaching at a pilgrimage in honor of the Martyr Jon Daniels in Hayneville, Alabama. He spoke about Jesus not coming to start an institution, but to start a movement. I stopped to watch parts of Godspell on YouTube and then headed off to church, to a local nursing home, and then to a gathering of longtime friends from a church I attended years ago in New York City. It has been a good day, with lots to think about.

I also read a quote on Facebook, “Worship is no longer worship when it reflects the culture around us more than the Christ within us.” I suggested that the companion quote might be “Worship is no longer worship when it reflects the culture that was around our grandparents more than the Christ within us.”

There were many comments, often about organs, guitars, bee bop, rock concerts, choir concerts, and so on. Most of them seemed more concerned with the culture around us than Christ within us. How does this fit with Presiding Bishop Elect Curry’s comments about movements and institutions? How does this fit with Godspell?

I’m finding the clips from Godspell looking incredibly dated, but also incredibly joyful and powerful. What sort of movement are we looking for, what sort of joy? How do we understand experiencing the presence of God, in silence, in chaos, in organ music, choir music, rock music, or bee bop? Do we exclude people who experience God’s presence and overwhelming love in ways different from how we do? What do we do to change that?

Or, to quote Godspell, quoting Mark, quoting Isaiah, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord”.

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