Archive - Sep 10, 2015

A Better Sense of Calling

Today, I met with the Bishop and some of the members of the Commission on Ministry in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut to explore how I can better serve God in the church. It is something I’ve been trying to get a better sense of for the past few months.

I approached the meeting with great anticipation. How would they respond? Would it be more like a job interview or a meeting with my priest when I’m seeking guidance? The first order of business was opening with prayer and I was reassured. These were God’s people, my brothers and sisters, helping me get a better sense of God’s will for me.

If this had been like a job interview, it could have gone badly very quickly. The essay I had written for them didn’t have the sort of answers an employer might look for. It was about expecting the unexpected. So much of my life has been about that. So much of my life has been about doing something that didn’t exist five years earlier. How does my unexpected journey towards that which is beyond comprehension fit within the structure and tradition of the Episcopal Church?

It seemed like this is something we were all interested in figuring out, and at one point the bishop asked how one scenario fit with my thoughts about where God was calling me, and the scenario described better than I had been able to, so far, my thoughts about where God was calling me.

We ended as we started, in prayer. I came away feeling affirmed, feeling that I have a better sense of where God is leading me and more excited about the journey ahead. It is down a path of the unexpected, but even on that path there are things we know. God’s love abides. Please, continue to pray for me in my journey.

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