Archive - 2015

September 20th

My Cartoon Superheros

A friend posted on Facebook

I intend to fill Facebook with comic book heroes to fight the saturation of negative images, videos, and just for fun! Give me a like and I'll assign you a character.

I liked the post and was assigned, The Tick. I don’t really know anything about The Tick, but I posted an image, and got lots of responses. “Spoon”. One person commented about The Tick being the first stupidhero. However, I believe that that title properly goes to Captain Klutz, which I enjoyed when I was young.

Another friend posted,

I intend to fill Facebook with Comic Book Heroes for childhood Cancer Awareness. Give me a like and I'll assign you a character.

I liked that post as well and was assigned Iron Man, another character I don’t know very well. I haven’t updated my profile to Iron Man yet.

Of course all of this raises interesting questions. Does images of The Tick or Iron Man really fight the saturation of negative images? How much does it raise awareness of childhood cancer? Does raising awareness translate into action? Reports of the breakthroughs in fighting ALS funded by money raised from the ice bucket challenge gives me some hope.

Perhaps this post will do a little bit as well. What fun images from comics do you remember? For me, it is less about the superheros. As a kid, I always read the comics in the North Adams Transcript, an afternoon paper I delivered when I was young. On Sunday afternoons, I would read the comics from the Springfield Republican. My father had grown up near Springfield and we got the Republican at McNichol’s store, on our way home from church on Sundays. If we were lucky we might get donuts as well.

The comics I remember are Peanuts, Beetle Bailey, Nancy and Sluggo, Blondie, Family Circus, and Pogo. Later, I would start reading Calvin and Hobbes, and Doonesbury.

On Saturday mornings, we would watch cartoons on television. We didn’t get a television until I was around 7. I remember the first show I saw on television. It was Underdog. On Saturday mornings we would watch Roadrunner, Tom and Jerry, The Pink Panther, and other shows that have slipped my mind.

I don’t watch much television anymore and I don’t get a paper anymore. I read my news online. McNichols is no more. After church, I stopped at a nursing home where I lead a Morning Prayer service from time to time. One of the women there was confused. She kept getting up, looking for her parents. I suspect she had Alzheimer’s. One man spoke about having Parkinson’s.

My grandfather died of Parkinson’s. I remember stories of him asking my uncle to help him escape. My aunt died of Parkinson’s. My cousin told me that it was a blissful Parkinson’s.

I hope to be blissful in my final days. I hope that sharing fun cartoon images will help counter the negative images we see so much of, and perhaps even help raise awareness of childhood cancer.

If I were to write a cartoon, I might go for some combination of the simple happy childhood cartoons I remember. I might mix it up with a little bit of the wit and wisdom of Calvin and Hobbes. Perhaps my superhero’s would be an old man in a wheelchair, struggling against Parkinson’s and his partner, a you child, also in a wheelchair, struggling against some sort of childhood cancer.

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September 19th

A Day of Rest, Sort of ...

This morning, I got up around the usual time to tend to the animals. I cleaned the kitchen a little and did a run to the dump. Fiona was supposed to go to a bat mitzvah and I hoped to get the weekend chores done before she had to leave.

I got home and found her resting on the couch. Last week, she slipped a disk and has been in a lot of pain. Too much pain to make it to the bat mitzvah. So, I sat down and responded to more posts on Facebook.

At noon, C-Span streamed the New Hampshire Democratic Convention. I watched some of that and posted about it on Facebook. In between, I ate leftover and rested. Martin O’Malley referenced “The River’ in his speech

Is a dream a lie if it don't come true
Or is it something worse

It seems now, more than ever, we need days of rest, we need reminders to stop and appreciate the beauty of what is around us, we need hope to cling on to.

I’m still tired. It has been a busy week. Fiona is still in pain. I haven’t gotten as much done around the house as I would like, nor have I done enough writing.

So I will rest. I will enjoy what I can of the weekend.

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September 18th

The Republican Congress and Domestic Violence

The other day, I was listening to the director of a local domestic abuse shelter talk about domestic violence and pregnancy coercion. Abusers often try to control the reproductive choices of the women they are abusing. If you have a child together, you are tied together for life.

An article in the National Library of Medicine, Pregnancy coercion, intimate partner violence, and unintended pregnancy, puts it this way:

Studies have highlighted the association between partner violence and unintended pregnancy. Recent evidence suggests these associations co-occur with reproductive control, i.e., male partners’ attempts to control a woman’s reproductive choices.

The article goes on to note:

Family planning clinics provide an important venue for examination of these phenomena, as family planning clients are known to experience a higher prevalence of partner violence than the general population

All of this comes to mind as I read about the Republicans in the House of Representatives “attempts to control a woman’s reproductive choices” especially when it comes to an effort to defund the family planning clinics of Planned Parenthood.

I am not suggesting that the Republicans in the House of Representatives are domestic abusers, although I sometimes wonder about several of them. However, they are acting in a manner that could enable domestic abuse and lead to more unwanted pregnancies.

September 17th

Back to School Night

As we went through our final back to school night at Amity Middle School in Bethany, there were several things going through my mind. This was the school that Kim went to and she talked about remembering which seat she sat in for different classes. Fiona’s social studies teacher gave us a pop quiz in which we were asked things about what we remembered from junior high school. It raises an interesting question: What do we want our children to get out of junior high school?

It seems like by the time junior high school comes around, many parents are focused on making sure that their kids will do well in the rat race. They need to get good grades in junior high school so they will do well in high school, so they will do well in college, so they will get a good job, so they can support their family as their kids repeat the same cycle.

The high stakes testing just reinforces this. Yet is this really what we should be striving for? Or, are we testing the wrong thing?

I thought back to the nursery school each of my daughters attended. It was part of an alternative private school that focused on love of learning as being the ultimate goal. What makes learning exciting? Some of it is how interestingly it is taught. Some of it is how well it is related back to everyone’s life. Some of it is simply, well, how much fun it is.

I believe that love of learning is much more important than just about anything that is tested these days. Love of learning will make just about any career, any life, more enjoyable.

If you look at the current social climate, you can see the effects of what is going on in education. Are more of your friends talking about how much they love their job, or how much they hate their job? Are they talking about how much they like current political leaders, or how much they dislike current political leaders?

Our system is broken, and a big part of it is the loss of fun, something we are losing earlier and earlier in life. So, as I think back on Fiona’s teachers that I met this evening, I find I remember the ones that were talking about what they do to make the material fun and interesting.

September 16th

Daily Journaling

Another very long day comes to a close. A full day of work, 150 miles in the car, two hours of a choir rehearsal. Now, home long enough to catch up on a little bit of the news. Mayors in Harford and New London appear to have lost their primaries. A large earthquake in Chile and a tsunami alert for Hawaii. The latest GOP debate.

These quick notes remind me of when I was writing in my journal every day over thirty years ago. Some of the entries were not particularly interesting, but it kept me writing. It kept me focused.

I’ll break a rule, and have something light to eat, even though it is after 8 PM. I didn’t have time for dinner tonight. Then, it will be time for sleep.

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