Archive - Apr 2016

April 4th

#NaPoWriMo 3: April Snow

One moment
it’s a white out;
the wind is howling,
no visibility,
and the next;
the sun is shining,
thick heavy snow
clinging to trees
and weighing down

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April 3rd

#PCWM8 Notes: VR Goggles.

Often at conferences, or even unconferences like Podcamp Western Mass, some of the best discussions take place away from the sessions, and this year at Podcamp Western Mass 8 was no exception.

For me, it was talking with Maria from Hypergride Business who brought her Virtual Reality viewers with her. They ranged from cardboard headsets which you can find on Amazon for six bucks up through many different sets in the twenty to thirty dollar range.

There were three different features that seemed important to me. One was sturdiness and how well the phone fits. Sets made out of actually cardboard just don’t seem all that sturdy. Perhaps some of that is based on my own experience of making sets out of cardboard when they first came out.

A second feature that was really important to me was how well the control works for them. With Google Cardboard, a magnet near the phone signals the apps. With the sets I’ve made and even with off the shelf cardboard viewers, I’ve never had a lot of luck with this. Some viewers require a separate Bluetooth controller. There are a lot of neat things you could probably do with a Bluetooth controller for gaming, but for most apps simple signaling is probably all you need.

The device that I found my Samsung Galaxy 4 worked very nice in was the Viewmaster VR. It was also nice to have a similar user experience as the Viewmasters from my childhood. One thing that was missing was straps. To really get into virtual reality viewers, the ability to strap the viewer on your head and have your hands free is probably really helpful.

Maria particularly recommended the FIIT VR headset, which has straps but requires a Bluetooth controller. I might get something like this at some later time, especially if someone gaming moves forward with a nice VR glove.

Yet what I was more interested in was talking with Maria about producing VR media. There is the game development side of things which still seems a bit cumbersome. I would like to simply build something in OpenSim which you could easily experience with VR goggles. Even OpenSim would be cool. These seem to be coming, but aren’t really there yet.

For making VR pictures or movies, you can take pictures which get stitched together fairly easily with a cellphone. Or at least I managed to do so with my Samsung Galaxy 4 back when Google Cardboard first came out. Stereoscopic movies seem a bit more difficult. I have friends who have made them and I’ve been kicking around the idea of doing something similar. To see some stereoscopic movies you can view with Google Cardboard style headsets, go to Youtube and search on “yt3d sbs”.

Another VR format is 360 video. These are videos that you can change your perspective. As you turn with your phone, or click on buttons on a computer, you see a different view. A nice example of this is MythBusters: Shark Shipwreck (360 Video).

You need to either use some software to stitch together the different perspectives, or use a camera that does this for you. There aren’t a lot of cameras out there that do this yet, and most of them that do are in the thousands of dollars range. However, Maria mentioned the 360 Fly. It is a relatively inexpensive and easy to use camera for getting started in 360 video. Of course, this is for monoscopic 360 video. Stereoscopic 360 video is a whole different issue, and I haven’t found a good option for that.

I also haven’t been able to find out if it is possible to connect a 360 Fly to a computer to use it as a webcam, or if it is possible, how to do it. I would love to see this done as an interesting way of doing a video conference of a panel. Could you feed a 360 video into a system like Zoom? Could you stitch together different videos from a system like zoom into a simulated room as if all the presenters were seated around a table and you look at different presenters

It looks like 360 cameras are coming into their own and it is probably about time to get one and start testing them.

Road Poem 1

I’ve got another hour and a half on the road
and I’m looking for a poem
in the grey branches
beside the interstate
and the women
putting on their make up
as they drive
or the old men
drinking their coffee and smoking cigarettes
as they head off
to the same old job.

I’ve got another hour and a half on the road
and I’m looking for a poem
as I see a young mother
shouting over her shoulder
at her kids
to settle down
as she drives past
the twisted metal
that was once part
of a car.

I’ve got another hour and a half on the road
and I’m looking for a poem
as I see the remains of an old barn
with a for sale sign
that must have been part of a farm
before the interstate came through
and a man in a van
talking on his cellphone
with a license plate
that reads Zone Five
like he’s driving out of a bad
cyberpunk novel.

The GPS tells me
“In a quarter mile keep left to stay on I-91 North”
and when I arrive, what will I have?

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April 2nd

The Incomplete Garden

I sit
in the same chair
to write
each day.

to my left,
is a large window
I gaze out of
looking for inspiration.

It is dark
when I start.

As the day breaks
forms appear
out of the darkness.

The old swingset
my daughter used to play on;
starting to deteriorate
now that she’s gone.

The house across the street
where the Rabbi and his family lives,
with cars coming and going
full of mysterious stories
to be remembered and retold.

As the morning light grows
the incomplete garden
comes into focus;
the struggling lilac bush
from my late mother’s house,
the pile of rocks
with the yellow jacket’s nest
I once disturbed,
the bird feeder
left behind
by the previous owners,
and random plants
to be organized
into beauty.

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April 1st

#PCWM8 Pregame

In about twelve hours, I’ll be hopping in my car and driving up to Podcamp Western Mass. Instead of rehashing what a Podcamp is, I’ll start off by pointing people not acquainted with podcamps to some of my older podcamp posts:

A good starting point is probably:
Understanding Unconferences - #pcct #swct

I’ll also recommend:
What is the Difference Between a Good Podcamp and a Great Podcamp?


#pcct - What Makes for a Good Podcamp Session?

These get into the sessions and the experience. People who know me from Podcamps know that I’m a bit of a purist when it comes to Podcamps. I’m not a big fan or presentations or Powerpoint and podcamp. I like organic discussions.

At Podcamp Western Mass over the past few years, there have been a lot of introductory sessions which provide great value for newcomers but also have the potential of obscuring something really important about podcamps, that everyone is a rock star.

There are also a few things that I miss from some of the older podcamps. Back in the day, there would be lively discussions online about what topics people were interested in. This hasn’t happened as much in recent years. One nice exception this year is that Maria Korolov‎ posted about doing a show and tell about VR headsets. Maria knows her stuff about VR and if she comes and does the show and tell, it should be really good. I just hope that it will be a discussion where lots of people get to contribute.

Things that I’m interested in include

MOOCs, Moodle, and Rhizomes: The future of digital pedagogy.

It’s all about the content: Creativity, Spirituality, Politics, and everything in between.

The Darknet

Private or corporate social networks.
Anyone doing anything with Slack? I have set up. Let me know if you want to use it. If you do use slack, especially with any integrations, I’d love to hear about it.

Workflow tools: Some of the things I learned about at previous Podcamps included IFTTT and Evernote. These days, I’ve been playing a bit with Workflowy. Check it out.

Augmented Reality Gaming:
Any Ingress players going to Podcamp? Anyone play other games like Ingress?

What’s New:
I always love a What’s New session. Everyone mentions a new social network, mobile apps, or things like that which they are really enjoying. What new things are you finding exciting?

So, share your thoughts this evening about what you’re looking forward to. Then, let’s have fun tomorrow!