

"What is authenticity in this digital space?"

Matthew Bernius responds to my post, Hope is Presidential. He writes,

Aldon mentions Ask a Ninja, Hope is Emo, and Lonelygirl15 as YouTube exemplars. I’m not quite sure what the candidates can learn from these content creators, as they all are essentially “old media” examples in the new media space. All of these are professionally produced (read as scripted, acted, filmed, and edited by professionals).

I guess the first thing that jumped out at me was suggesting that Ask a Ninja or Hope is Emo are essentially “old media” examples in the new media space. What are the essential characteristics of new media or old media? Matthew seems to suggest that the issue is either the roll of professionals in the production, or the use of techniques like having a script, having good filming and having it edited.

Yet many of my video-blogging friends, or for that matter, friends that text-blog, all aspire to be paid for their work. Is there something about receiving money for one’s work that makes the work less valuable? Or, for that matter, what is wrong with having a good script, good camera shots, or good editing?

He goes on to ask “What is authenticity in this digital space?” and wonders if “it’s any different than authenticity in the so-called real world”. It is an important question to ask. My first reaction is that there probably isn’t a significant difference between authenticity in digital space then there is in the so-call real world. Does having a script make things less authentic? Was the “I have a dream speech” or the Gettysburg Address somehow less authentic because it was written out? I don’t think so.

Politicians are professional speakers. It would be foolish to expect them not to be professional speakers. Yes, we might not want a canned speech to every question we pose, but most people want a well thought out answer. Perhaps good political speaking, whether it is captured on video or not, is a bit like doing improv.

Yet I also feel that the comments about Ask a Ninja of miss the bigger picture. One of the essential characteristics of new media, to me, is the ability for anyone to do it. Anyone can put a video up on YouTube. If they have ‘professional’ skills, can write a decent script, use good camera shots, edit it, then the video is likely to get more widely viewed. Yet having professional skills isn’t necessarily correlated to being trained at a traditional school, or having a traditional job in the profession.

Getting more widely viewed gets to a second essential characteristic of new media; the viral nature of successful productions. That is where we can learn from Ask a Ninja and Hope is Emo. The professional qualities of Ninja and Emo contribute to them going viral, but it is the viral nature that matters.

Yes, talking about professional qualities may be part of the question, but the big question is, what makes a video, an idea, or a meme go viral? Why is it that Martin Luther King’s speech 44 years ago still inspires us to have dreams of a better country when so many political speeches of today inspire us to change channels?

Yes, I do have a dream, and part of it includes people using new media, no matter how professionally produced, to reach new audiences with a message of hope and inspiration dating back to the oldest of all media.

(Cross-posted at Greater Democracy)

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The Libby Trial Narrative: Character Development

I continue my quest to find out what people around me would like to see from bloggers’ coverage of the Libby trial. Some people are solely focused on gaining that one nugget of information that will tie the whole story together. I will leave that to the more experienced professional journalists or a gadfly with laser like focus. Instead, right now, I’m looking more at character development.

One of the first things I wanted to think more about is what is it like inside a Federal courtroom? What is it like to be on the stand? What are the stories of the people involved? My father-in-law and mother-in-law are both retired U.S. Treasury Agents. They have spent a fair amount of time testifying at Federal trials. The stories they tell at family picnics about their work are much different than the stories you see in TV dramas.

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Real Journalists

Below is my letter sent to the Connecticut Post in response to Ken Dixon's opinion piece, Plenty of fingers can be pointed in Krayeske issue

I read, with amusement, Ken Dixon's opinion about the Ken Krayeske case, "Plenty of fingers can be pointed in Krayeske issue", Feb. 4, 2007.  He states, "First, beware of people who call themselves `journalists.' It's a highfalutin appellation. Real journalists are too busy working, gathering information to share with readers, to cop existential 'tudes."

Dixon is right.  We do need to beware of people calling themselves journalists.  I do hope that Dixon doesn't call himself a journalist, or if he does, that he doesn't mislead many people.  He seems to be too busy copping his own existential attitude to get beyond name calling and provide any real information about the important issues of what constitutes journalism in the twenty first century and what that means for our democracy.

What do you think?
(Cross posted at MyLeftNutmeg. Please vote in the poll there.)

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Hope is Presidential

As we wade further into the 2008 presidential primary season, we are seeing more and more candidate videos and more and more commentary on such videos. Yet I wonder if somehow the whole point is being missed.

Matthew Bernius talks about a tale of two candidate’s video distribution strategies, comparing Obama’s use of BrightCove with Edwards use of YouTube. He notes that “YouTube offers tools to manage posting comments, [but] you cannot control what content your page links to. In going to ‘where the people are,’ you leave yourself open to direct commentary from the people” and contrasts this to “Brightcove’s promise of control”. He carries it further to note “Edwards’ decision to speak extemporaneously, on location in New Orleans versus Obama’s use of a controlled backdrop and a prepared speech and teleprompter” Brian Russell, and Coturnix have also commented on this.

Edwards appears to understand the nature of online video much better than the other candidates, however, I still think there is a long ways to go.

Today’s Hotline takes a different look at issues with online video: On The Download: YouTube Does Pay-To-Play. While the article focuses primarily on the FEC issues of YouTube’s Pay-To-Play plans, it also has an interesting comment from Mike Hudack, CEO of Blip.TV where he observes, “political content is on the lower end of the viewership scale”.

Why is this? Perhaps it relates back to the discussion of distribution. Too many people are looking at online video as simply another means of distributing the 30-second spot. People have attributed some of Ned Lamont’s early success on his advertisements which, unlike most political advertisements of the day, weren’t stuck in a 1960’s style of TV ads.

Sen. Edwards’ announcement video on YouTube was a step in the direction of recognizing the different language of online videos, but there is still much further to go. What are the popular online videos? Ask a Ninja, Hope is Emo, Lonelygirl115 and various coke and mentos videos come to mind. Perhaps the 2008 candidates can learn from these videos.

Edwards and Obama can duke it out to see who gets ‘Hope is Presidential’. Sen. Clinton, after her webcasts might think about engaging the folks at Ask a Ninja to come up with Ask a Candidate. The lesser know candidates can struggle to see who will be the next Lonely Candidate 2008. The real question is whose videos will be the coke and mentos of the 2008 campaign season. I haven’t seen any like that yet.

One of the things that is special about the coke and mentos videos is the participatory nature of them. They were fun and everyone could make one. I did the coke and mentos thing in my backyard, but didn’t put it online.

Personally, I am hoping that videos of regular people working together to fight the war on poverty and to find new ways of dealing with dependence on foreign oil and global warming will be the coke and mentos, but we need to find ways of making this fun and exciting. Sen. Edwards’ Day of Action is a good start but they haven’t found their viral fun yet. Let’s hope they do.

(Full disclosure: I’m in talks with the Edwards campaign about possibly working for them.)

(Cross posted at Greater Democracy)

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How should Media Bloggers cover the Libby Trial?

Okay, it's official. I'll be one of the Media Blogger Association bloggers credentialed for the Libby trial. I'm currently scheduled to be there Feb 26 through Mar 1st.

A lot has been written already, both about the trial, and about the bloggers covering the trial. You can find many such links at the MBA’s aggregated feed. In addition, Marcy Wheeler has done incredible work covering the trial, including great live blog posts as the trial proceeds. (Be sure to buy her book).

So, what do I have to offer as a blogger, that isn’t already being offered by other bloggers and by the members of the traditional media? What is my hook, my spin, my unique perspective? Over the next couple weeks, I’ll spend time getting up to speed on the trial, and on how I want to blog about it.

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