Sunday in August

It is a lazy Sunday morning in August. Kim and Fiona are on the Cape. Mairead and Miranda are on their way back from Michigan. Hurricane Charley, now a tropical storm, or even less, is on his way out into the North Atlantic. I should probably be at church, but I am doing a little last minute packing and cleaning as I await the kids’ return and then head out to Cape Cod with them.

The storm caused major damage in Florida. I went to bed early last night. The house seemed empty with all the other humans gone. I also wanted to catch up on my sleep, as well as be rested in case Charley decided to visit Stamford on his way north and was still in an angry mood. Fortunately, Charley didn’t really have much of a showing here. It rained, but not all that hard. Between the rain, and only me in the house, Reilly, the Maine Coon cat, decided it would be a nice evening to sleep on the humans’ bed.

As I packed the car, a little light rain came down, perhaps most of it just droplets being blown off the surrounding trees. I need to find my reading material for the week on the Cape. One book that I’ve read, off and on is One Man’s Meat by E.B. White. It is a collection of his essays written during WW II while he was living on a saltwater farm in Maine. I think it is a good model for bloggers.

As I channel surfed, to get more information about the status of Charley, I stumbled across the book show on C-SPAN 2. Pamela Constable was talking about her book, Fragments of Grace, which I believe I’ve heard other reviews of. It sounds like another good book to read on the Cape.

One final book worth picking up for the trip is Mooses Come Walking by Arlo Guthrie, and illustrated by Alice Brock, of Alice’s Restaurant fame. It was reviewed on Weekend Edition yesterday on NPR. Given that my brother-in-law was afraid of a moose in the closet when he was a little boy, and Fiona finds this highly amusing, it might be a good book to have.

So now, the car is set, the dishwasher is running, and all I have to do is wait and do a little more writing.

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