Diner Democrats

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

Diner Democrats don’t want to be leaders. They don’t want to go to Washington. They believe in representational democracy and want to get good Representatives in Washington. Diner Democrats don’t even really want to be involved in political campaigns. If they have to, they will, and they will do a great job, because Diner Democrats are doers. They get things done.

Diner Democrats get involved in politics because they have to, because there is something important that needs to get done, that no one else is dealing with. They need to see that a park gets fixed or a bike path goes in.

Diner Democrats are normal people. They stop at the Diner for a coffee with a friend. They talk about health care, about trying to make sure that their aging parents are properly cared for. They talk about the difficulties getting good health care and want to find solutions for it.

They stop at the Diner after their kids field hockey or soccer game, and talk about the importance of a good education, of making sure that schools are properly funded. They stop at the Diner after their walks in the woods with their children, and talk about the importance of clean streams and clear skies.

Diner Democrats stop at the Diner on their way to work, to pick up a coffee and donut. They talk with their friends about the traffic, the conditions of the roads, and their concerns about their jobs.

Diner Democrats love their country. They love their neighbors, even if their neighbors aren’t like them or have different beliefs. Diner Democrats don’t want to be involved in politics, but when their country is on the wrong course, and somebody needs to fix things, Diner Democrats are the people that everyone turn to.

It is the first Wednesday of the month, and a night that Diner Democrats need to get to the Diners to Meetup with other Diner Democrats, roll up their sleeves and start fixing some of the messes that our country is in right now.

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