SL Sunday Morning Financial Report

One of the things that annoys me about the Second Life Capital Exchange (SlCapEx), as compared with the World Stock Exchange (WSE) is that the WSE reports transactions by major stockholders. SlCapEx has that on their todo list.

Until that time, I’ve written a program that takes snapshots of major holdings and compares them with previous major holdings. This morning, I ran my first real report and here are things worth noting.

Bogart Beck, who has a new company, BO BECK GALLERIES (BBG) being launched on the SlCapEx picked up a few more shares of SL CapEx (SLCX). Also picking up stock was Sando Haller, whose holdings have crossed the 5% threshold to now be listed as a major holder. Sando also sold a small amount of shares of SL CapEx (SLR).

Dezmond Martinek picked up a few more shares of both Second Life Media Specialties (SLMS) and Zhenya Zoning Real Estate Co. (ZEN). The most notable transaction, however was Enky Nakamura selling off nearly 20,000 shares of TNW. Offering prices have dropped about 10% over the past twelve hours.

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