Random afternoon notes

I’ve been fairly sick the past few days, so my blogging has been sparser than I would have liked. When I haven’t been sleeping, I have been trying to get through some of my pile of unread emails. In that pile, I found a few things I would like to highlight.

If you think it is bad being banned from running for class office because of a blog post you wrote, consider this:

Nguyen Vu Binh was jailed in Vietnam in 2002 for writing and posting articles about democracy on the Internet and campaigning for human rights

That’s from a fundraising email from Amnesty International. Some people may ask why I’m so concerned about the Avery Doninger case. The abuse of her rights was small compared to what Nguyen Vu Binh encountered. Yet for me, it is part of the same continuum and we must fight for the basic rights of all people, at home, and abroad, no matter how small the abuse is.

Another request I gut was from JubileeUSA. People around the country are fasting right now to draw attention to the issues of third world debt and the role it plays in world hunger. Please, watch this video:

Then, contact your elected officials to urge them to support Debt Cancellation legislation.

Bringing in back home, the Shoreline League of Democratic Women is having a follow up to its State Government 101 forum, State Government 102: Legislation & the Budget Process featuring Reps. Deborah Heinrich, Brian O'Connor, James Spallone. If you live on the shoreline, you should check out this forum.

As I recuperate from my cold, I’ll return to my regularly scheduled rants, reports and other writings.

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