Social Media Developments
It has been a good couple of days for geeks. First, I got an email from Matt at Spock. Recently, my wife disappeared from Spock. I sent a few emails asking what had happened and Matt responded that in the early days of Spock, they would create search results for people based on information from people’s address books. However, the data in the address books end up not being very good, so they stopped the practice. Then, they started cleaning out those entries. Apparently, Kim was one of the few people loaded from an address book that then went in, set up an account, and added data. Since she was loaded initially from an address book, they deleted her, and I was disappointed to find that my profile no longer listed my wife. The have restored her userid. We put in a bunch of new data and everything seems fine.
One of the criticisms of Spock early on, was that people joined Spock simply to get rid of bad data about them. Hopefully with the cleanup completed, people will join Spock as a means of organizing and presenting good information about themselves.
Then, I got an email from MyBlogLog. Their API has entered a limited invite-only beta. I’m busy trying to finagle an invitation. I did a bunch of extracting MyBlogLog data early on and build some interesting graphs of social networks. The new API looks like it may provide a lot of interesting opportunities to mash up different social networks and see how everything inter-relates. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.
Next, I saw a Twitter message that the Yahoo Developers Network now supports OpenID 2.0. So, now I can tie my MyBlogLog development together with OpenID.
For those a little less geeky, I got a message on Facebook about the Newstrust blog. Tish Grier is doing community development for them. It will be great to see that community grow.
So, lots of fund new stuff for geeks, if I can only find some time to be geeky.