Media and Democracy
So, the candidates are "whining about the media", according to CNN's Jack Cafferty and he asks, "Is it the news media’s job to keep all the candidates happy?"
Sounds a little defensive to me, sort of like Cain responding to the Lord about the location of Able after Cain had murdered him, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
So, I left my comment there. We'll see if it makes it out of moderation.
To the extent that the media is a corporate entity, its responsibility is to maximize shareholder value by reporting what is titillating and entertaining. To the extent that it is the fourth estate and crucial to a successful government, it has a responsibility to educate and inform.
It seems as if too much of media is focus on the titillating and entertaining, on the horse race aspect of politics, the mudslinging and playing gotcha.
So, perhaps the question shouldn’t be, “Is it the news media’s job to keep all the candidates happy?” Perhaps the question for everyone who calls themselves a journalist should be, which do you love more, your paymaster or your country.
Unfortunately, I see too little love of country.