The Future of Atlas Virtual Capital

(Originally published at SLNN.COM)

A few months ago, Jasper Tizzy left Second Life, leaving various companies, like Atlas Venture Capital (AVC) in disarray. Now, some months later, people are asking if Monkey Canning is about to do the same.

One of AVC’s ventures is Springboard Publications (SBP). It hadn’t seen any action since November, and its stock slid down to the single digits. On January 24th, Mr. Canning announced that the CEO of SBP had to step down “due to real life complications”. On the 28th, Zoey Corleone was announced as CEO of SBP. SBP stock bounced up to L$ .43 per share on the news and has since dropped back to into the single digits. One of the largest holders of SBP shares is Tyrian Camilo, sold a substantial number of shares on Feb 15th. When Ms. Corleone was asked about these developments, she noted that “at SPB everything is going great and we are all very excited about some major projects coming up.”

The day after Ms Corleone was named CEO of Springboard, Mr. Canning announced that he would be moving in real life and for the next two to six weeks, he would not be able to log into Second Life. On Feb 16th, Mr. Canning announced that his new network connection was installed and he would be active again. Yet five days before that, Mr. Canning made significant sales of his AVC stock.

Yesterday, it was announced that SL International Business (SLIB), which is run by Mr. Camilo, had purchased 40,000 shares of WJUV radio. WJUV was another one of AVC’s ventures. WJUV has scheduled a shareholders meeting on February 19th at 12 Noon SLT to discuss replacing Mr. Canning as CEO with Mr. Camilo.

WJUV stock, which began trading a few months ago at around L$ 10 per share, has declined to under three dollars a share. The news brought a few trades close to seven dollars a share.

Mike31 Dawes, CFO of AVC and of WJUV responded to press inquiries responded,

Monkey Canning has not allowed me any involvement regarding AVC. I am the CFO, yet he does not let me see any of the financials for AVC. He approached me about a week ago stating he wanted to sell out of AVC and retire. I was offered his shares in AVC at an price that I will not make public at this time. He has now sold AVC's interest in WJUV. This interest was 40,000 shares or about 22.5 % of the company. Knowing he wants to retire and sell he stake in AVC I found it odd he was selling off one if it's greatest assets. I asked what he was going to do with the proceeds. His response was, "buy stuff". AVC to the best of my knowledge is broke. It's funds were mismanaged. I have never been allowed in any financial decisions regarding AVC even though my title and role in the company states otherwise. It is my opinion that the sale of WJUV is 1. detrimental to AVC and 2. AVC will not receive these proceeds.

Mr. Canning, Mr. Camilo, and Ms. Corleone were not available for comment. AVC stock has dropped into the single digits today as concerns mounted and the Virtual Stock Exchange, temporarily halted trading in AVC stock, pending further investigation.

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