Upcoming Events in Second Life

Over the coming few days, there are several interesting discussions. Today, at 9 AM SLT, there will be a discussion about universal design on Healthinfo Island sponsored by SL Accessibility Center, Healthinfo Island, and Virtual Ability, Inc. Jondan Lundquist and Atsuko Watanabe will lead the discussion. Mr. Lundquist has studied biomechanical engineering and has a doctorate in education. Ms. Watanabe is a degreed engineer who has worked on accessible transportation engineering projects for many years and works in Second Life on redesigning and rebuilding some of the structures on Simon Walsh's Second Ability sim.

Also, today starting at 9 AM SLT is “Orange Explores Second Life Culture”. Topics include how live music performances have changed over the years in Second Life, what the current trends are, where music is headed into the future of SL, the impact that rules and protocols have on the behavior of the community members and how many diverse communities have come together, bringing their unique ideas, for the common purpose of fighting back against cancer. The event will take place on Orange Island.

Tomorrow, also starting at 9 AM SLT, Simon Walsh will speak at the Nonprofit Commons Amphitheater about his work in Second Life. Mr. Walsh is best known as the chief executive of Enable Enterprises which manages the Wheelies nightclub for people with disabilities in Second Life and the Second Ability Second Life simulator. The talk will be followed by a day long discussion on TechSoup’s Accessible Technology and Public Computing forum.

Starting at 10 AM SLT, Kathy Im, Program Officer at the MacArthur Foundation, Tony Curzon Price, Editor of OpenDemocracy.net, and Jonathan Zittrain, Professor and Internet Scholar at Oxford University will explore issues of Credibility and Reputation in the New News as part of the MacArthur and Virtual Worlds series. The event will take place on the USC Annenberg Island.

At 3 PM SLT, SL Shakespeare Company will produce a “live scene from Hamlet, with a professional troupe, and photorealistic actors and historically accurate wardrobe and props.“ The event will take place at the SL Globe Theatre. The performance will be repeated several days through out the coming week.

To tie it all together, there will be a Leap Year celebration tomorrow at jokaydia “because a leap year is as good a time as any for a party!”

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