Random End of the Week Stuff

It has been a long busy week, finished off with a drive to Lowell, MA for the New England News Forum’s conference on Sharing the News. There are a lot of things to write up about the conference, but I’m too tired to focus. Those wanting some details should check my messages on the content sharing sites and microblogs. I put a little bit up there while I was there.

I did put up one post from the day, which should count towards meeting my NaBloPoMo goal for the month, but I figured I would write something a little more substantial I also managed to drop EntreCards on 300 sites for my 17th consecutive day. I didn’t read some of those blogs as closely as I have on other days.

Last night, I spent some time exploring a curious virtual world/web mashup called RocketOn. I haven’t gotten a chance to explore it any more this evening, and that will also have to wait. However, if you’ve looked at it and want an invite, drop me an email.

All of this, perhaps, foreshadows the month of July. We are going camping. I doubt I’ll drop 300 cards a day as often in July as I have in June. I may even struggle simply to get a blog post up some days.

More later. . .

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