Unpacking from Falcon Ridge
It can be a lot of work to unpack from camping for five days at a folk music festival in the rain. It can be even more work if you are a social media consultant who has photographed, videotaped, recorded and microblogged a fair amount of the festival.
Today, I’m spending my time unloading the car and setting things out to dry and catching up on what is going on online. While I was at Falcon Ridge I sent seventeen videos from my cellphone up to various video sites. I need to spend time titling, describing, tagging, and in come cases geotagging what I’ve uploaded. I’ve spent a little time doing this with some of my videos on blip.tv.
The videos from my cellphone are low quality. Poor resolution and limited to 17 seconds. However, the montage provides a great glimpse into the experience. One of the emerging artists that performed Friday had a great song about having a brother go off to war. I think it was Amy Speace, but I’m not sure. The clip I captured has these lyrics:
There was Homecoming and football games
And picking out our dresses for the prom
With my brother in some desert dodging bullets
When he wasn’t dodging bombs.
I haven’t been able to find a copy of the song. If anyone knows where I can find it, let me know.
I also got a chance to upload pictures from my camera and put them in a Falcon Ridge Photoset on Flickr.
I have a couple great videos, one is of Lowen and Navarro and their friends and family performing Learning to Fall, and another is of Dar Williams with friends and family performing Iowa. These are special videos that I don’t want to post without speaking with the artists to make sure it is okay with them and done in a way that will be most beneficial to them and what matters to them.
Meanwhile, I’m going to tag a bunch of posts here on Orient Lodge into the Music category and take them off of the front page so people interested in other topics that I like to write about can find those posts easily as well.
There are other sites that I need update titles, tags and descriptions, and for that matter, I should really put a load of muddy clothes in the washing machine.