Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit. World AIDS day, the end of NaNoWriMo 2008.

Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit, another month begins. It is off to a slow start for me. I’ve been exhausted, and have been plagued by an assortment of minor physical irritations, a planters wart on the bottom of my heal, a ganglion cyst on my wrist, and some sleep depriving unexplained itching.

It feels as if I got a vast amount of nothing done during the month. I started NaNoWriMo with one idea. It fell apart and I started over with another idea. This idea was much better, but I ran into a period of no time to write, and it withered. I haven’t gotten much for billable hours during the month, which is a concern, and my unread emails have climbed rapidly. I have kept up, at least somewhat, on my blog and my social networking.

Kim is back on an IV for her Lyme disease, and so more of the housework falls to me and I’m behind in that area as well. Yet we’ve done some good things around the house. We’ve bottled our first batch of hard cider, and have a second batch brewing. We are also making some homemade sauerkraut from a giant head of cabbage we got from our community supported agriculture box. They say to allow five to six weeks if it is left at 55 to 60 degrees, which is probably the average house temperature here.

In the bigger picture, today is World AIDS day. Later today, I hope to write a reflection on when a friend’s partner died of AIDS.

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