CT News Wire

Currently, in Connecticut, there are 115 state agencies. There are 169 municipalities, 151 State Representatives, 36 State Senators, and numerous advocacy organizations. Many of them have communications directors sending out press releases and media advisories. Beyond that candidates running for public office and others may want better ways of reaching potential voters and bloggers and citizen journalists are always looking for better ways to get information.

In order to address this, I have set up a Google Group, CTNewsWire that agencies can send press releases to and bloggers and citizen journalists can subscribe to or check online for any recent press releases.

The current intention is to keep this as a loosely moderated list focused on Connecticut issues. However, if it gets over run by spam, we will have to have it more heavily moderated. If you’re interested, please join the list and help agencies start using it. Press releases can be mailed to ctnewswire -at- GoogleGroups.com

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