#Internetweek #QRCodes and #digg
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 09:47
Recently, I’ve been writing a bit about QR Codes (QR Codes and the RAZR V3xx, QR Codes and Twitter and Snappr.net, and QR Codes and political flyers. Now, I’m back from the America’s Future Now conference, and looking at what is going on for InternetWeek in New York City.
This evening, Digg will have a Meetup in New York, and I thought it would be interesting to see if I can use #QRCodes and #digg.
So, I created this QR Code using Kaywa’s QR Code Generator to promote my blog post. Please scan it and digg my post.
Thanks. If you’re going to the Digg Meetup, keep your eyes open for me and say hi.