Google Wave - Naysaying the Naysayers

I just read a tweet pointing to CogDog's recent thoughts on Google Wave. He complains about mostly seeing Google Waves talking about Google Wave and sums up his thoughts saying "I am not seeing any value in endless chatter on the Surfboard."

I must admit, I have a different perspective which I expressed in my comment on his blog, included here for your reading pleasure

I am glad I read your post. It reassures me that there is a good future for Google Wave. Before disruptive technology gets a chance to disrupt things, there need to be naysayers complaining about it. Sort of makes me think of the early days of Twitter when people talked about how useless Twitter was and how everyone on Twitter just spent all their time talking about Twitter. Likewise, it makes me think of the early days of Blogging. With each of those, not only was there the phase of introspection, but there was also a phase of people complaining about the new media and the navel gazing on it.

Fortunately, we don't have as much talking about the medium in virtual worlds, which is probably why virtual worlds are so much more pervasive than blogging or tweeting. (* snark *)

Yet perhaps, this self reflection is important. Before a disruptive technology can get a chance to disrupt, people need to experiment with it and explore ideas of what it might be possible to do with the technology that hasn't been explored yet and complaining about things that just aren't working right with the technology yet.

To me, what is important are the underlying aspects; the ability to create gadgets that can be shared in waves as well as on other platforms; the ability to federate servers; and the ability to extend the platform.

Okay. That's my counter-rant. Go ahead looking at what is, and asking why. I'll go about experimenting with what is not fully yet, and asking, hmm, I wonder what I can do with this.

So, what are you thinking about Google Wave, the navel gazing taking place on it, (or should I say Wavel Gazing?) Will this technology disrupt? What are your ideas about what the disruption might look like?

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