Chasing Hares
Fiona is at home, sick again. This time, it sure seems like the flu, with a fever of a hundred and two. Taking care of Fiona will be a top priority, and may cut into a bit of my other time.
My testing of Wave Federation took a major step forward yesterday and I’ve now successfully federated with three other wave servers. I’ll write more about that later.
My #NaNoWriMo novel made no progress yesterday due to lots of other activities. Hopefully I’ll make up some of that today.
My coverage of ad:tech just may not happen. Yesterday was our anniversary and I had a bunch of things to take care of at home. So, I figured I’d miss the first day and go today. However, I was so behind on everything that’s piled up, I figured I’d miss today. It is a good thing, since Fiona is so sick.
Other projects are moving along slowly but surely.