Jesus Didn’t Turn Anyone Away
It has been interesting to follow the discussion about the Focus on Family Superbowl Advertisement that CBS will run during the Superbowl that has been getting so much attention. I’ve received emails from advocacy groups urging me to contact CBS to condemn their decision. I’ve read article in the advertising and marketing world analyzing the pros and cons of the decision, as well as some interesting political analysis of the decision. I’ve been looking for an angle to say something that hasn’t been said already about the advertisement, and it wasn’t until I found a blog post talking positively about the advertisement that I found what I wanted to say.
WordJourney Magazine talks about the advertisement as being ‘inspirational’, or at least it is inspiring controversy, but the author hopes it will have the ‘ the intended effect of touching lives for Jesus Christ”. Personally, I have serious doubts and suspect that it may, in fact, drive people further from Jesus Christ. I expressed this view in a comment on the article.
I hope, for our Lord and Savior’s sake, that you are right. However, I fear that this ad may in fact do more damage to the Kingdom than good. Mrs. Tebow made a difficult and noble choice. She should be lauded for that, and to the extent that the ad encourages other young women in her situation to make a similar difficult and noble choice, there is much to be gained. If, on the other hand, the advertisement encourages our leaders to not to allow other women to make this difficult choice, then it may be seen by many as the efforts of the self-righteous meddling in the lives of others. If this is the case, I worry that it may drive others further from looking towards God’s saving grace in times of trouble.
Likewise, it is wonderful that an anonymous person has stepped up to pay for the advertisement, and if the advertisement stays within the realm of encouraging people to make choices in their lives that will draw them closer to Christ, it is a wonderful thing. However, to the extent that it is advocating a political opinion, such illegalizing abortions, then it seems as if the person is at best skirting the laws that require public disclosure about advocating for political positions. It does little good for us as Christians if Christian leaders are perceived as trying to get around are laws to advocate for specific positions.
So, I pray that you are right, and I hope that we all pray that this message might glorify Christ and not drive people away from Him.
I deliberated about whether to post the comment in and of itself on my blog. I don’t often write about religion here. As I thought about it, I decided to go look at the advertisement that CBS rejected last time for the Superbowl. It was sponsored by the United Church of Christ and carried another controversial message. “Jesus Didn’t Turn Anyone Away”.
I do believe that the message of the United Church of Christ that was rejected would have done much more to ‘touch lives for Jesus Christ’ than the Focus on Family ad does.