Some Days...

Some days there are so many different things going on, it seems impossible to plan out the day. Some days you get curves thrown at you and all your plans go out the window. Then, there are those days that both situations apply.

My original plans for today included going to New York to cover Engage Expo! for this blog as well as a couple of other media outlets. To do this, I would have to miss an important conference call with a technology client as well as several important political events.

At 9:45 today, Senator Dodd was supposed to tour the Kleen Energy Plant in Middletown, CT where an explosion recently took the lives of several workers. Then, at 1:30 PM, he is supposed to hold a press conference in Hartford about credit card protections taking effect next week.

In between those two events, starting at 11 Ned Lamont was scheduled to make a special announcement at the Old State House in Hartford, followed by a reception at City Steam afterwards. Later in the afternoon, various organizations are gathering for a Mardi Gras Style March in Hartford for Jobs and Health Care Reform, ending at the CT Business and Industry Association headquarters at 6 PM.

All of this went out the window as we received four inches of snow over night and I needed to take Fiona to the dentist for an appointment, that due to various complications ended up taking over two and a half hours.

Now, a few hours behind schedule, I’m finally getting a chance to look at my messages, and there are plenty to respond to. Fiona is sitting quietly on the couch and Kim is on a conference call.

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