Technologists and Entrepreneurs Meetup at #swct

“How do we use the social web to help developers and entrepreneurs help each other?” That is the question that frames the Technologists and Entrepreneurs Meetup which will be taking place during Social Web Week here in Connecticut.

The meetup will borrow from barcamps in format. We will start off with introductions and suggestions for topics to cover. One thing we’ll do a little differently from other barcamps is the introductions. When developers introduce themselves they will give a very brief overview of their favorite development platform if no one has already spoken about that platform. Currently, we’re looking at people talking about Drupal, Joomla, dotnet, Wordpress, Django, Ruby on Rails, Cold Fusion and Java. If you want to talk briefly about these, or other platforms, please contact me directly. These descriptions should be five minutes or less each.

As entrepreneurs introduce themselves, they will be asked to speak about topics that they hope we can explore during the meetup. Different ideas for topics might be “How do I find good developers in Connecticut?” “Should I use open source or a proprietary platform?” “Which platform should I use?” “How do I use technology to develop community?” “How should I organize my development effort?” Friends are reaching out to various entrepreneur’s networking groups and hopefully additional ideas will be brought in.

Once all the introductions are completed, we will break into different groups to network, find out more about different technology platforms and address various topics that came up during the introductions. To find out more about the meetup, including time and location please check the Technologists and Entrepreneurs Meetup Page on the Social Web Week website. I hope to see lots of people there.