#N900 - My New GPS - Using Liblocation in a Python Script

Last December, I wrote a blog post about My New GPS, the #N900. In it, I mentioned writing a simple Python Script to use liblocation to gather and print out location information via Python. It was a very quick and dirty script, but I used it for some fun mapping.

Recently, I was asked for a copy of the script, so I am posting it below, including various lines that I had commented out during my testing. Some of them are useful in understanding different parameters that you might want to use.

Enjoy. Let me know any comments.

import location
import gobject
import time

def on_error(control, error, data):
    print "location error: %d... quitting" % error

def on_changed(device, data):
    if not device:
    if device.fix:
        if device.fix[1] & location.GPS_DEVICE_LATLONG_SET:
            print "%s " % time.asctime() ,
            print "lat = %f, long = %f" % device.fix[4:6],
            print "alt = %f" % device.fix[7],
            print "hor acc: %f meters" % (device.fix[6] / 100)
#            data.stop()

def on_stop(control, data):
    print "quitting"

def start_location(data):
    return False

loop = gobject.MainLoop()
control = location.GPSDControl.get_default()
device = location.GPSDevice()

# control.set_properties(preferred_method=location.METHOD_USER_SELECTED, 
# control.set_properties(preferred_method=location.METHOD_CWP,
#                       preferred_interval=location.INTERVAL_DEFAULT)

control.connect("error-verbose", on_error, loop)
device.connect("changed", on_changed, control)
control.connect("gpsd-stopped", on_stop, loop)

gobject.idle_add(start_location, control)


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