The Best of #FringeNYC: When Katherine Met Kimleigh

By far, the best performance of the New York Fringe Festival so far has been When Katherine Met Kimleigh, or My Dad's T-O-T-A-L-L-Y Crazier Than Your Dad. The performance was not listed in the official schedule but is the epitome of what FringeNYC is really about. I had the privilege of having a bit part in the beginning of the performance and watching the show as a whole.

Setting: Entrance Way to Venue #1 Dixon Place

Time: Saturday afternoon, soon after Katherine finished her show, My Dad's Crazier Than Your Dad: A Scientific Inquiry.

Synopsis: Two online drama critics are comparing notes after watching Katherine's show. While it is still early in the second day of the festival, this is the fourth show that Aldon Hynes, Internet Raconteur for the Orient Lodge Theatre Review has attended. For Markus Paminger, who reviewed Katherine's show on Theatre is Easy, it was his second show of the festival. The two have different approaches to viewing performances and different writing styles.

Enter Kimleigh Smith, star of T-O-T-A-L-L-Y!. She is in her cheerleading outfit after having just performed at the Fringe Preview. Her show is scheduled to open Wednesday evening at Dixon Place and she is stopping by check out the venue. The discussion moves to a comparison of different fringe festivals. Aldon has been going to Fringe Festivals since attending the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 1983. This is Kimleigh's first year of festivals. She has already attended several and has her sights on Edinburgh.

Markus leaves and Katherine and her director enter. What ensues is a lively improv between two great actresses talking about their shows, festivals and the connections they have made along the way, such as a year earlier when Kimleigh and Katherine's director Nell Balaban randomly met on an F train. A passion for their craft, for connecting with one another and connecting with their audiences is discussed.

As the actresses part, they consider collaborating at some point in the future, seemingly unaware of the powerful performance they have just put on.

While this is a highly self-referential work still in progress, we can only hope that Kimleigh and Katherine do follow through with their plans for a great show, perhaps at FringeNYC 2011. Until then, your best option is to try and get a chance to see Katherine and Kimleigh in their individual shows this year.

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