One of those days

Here it is, after nine in the evening, and I haven’t written anything. I wrote a lot this past week, and I’ve got some big things I hope to write about later in the coming week, for right now, I’m pretty much out of steam.

It has been a very food oriented weekend, above and beyond the turkey on Thursday. Friday, we went to Lorenzo’s in West Haven. It is a restaurant that Kim and her family have been going to long before I came into the picture. Today, Kim’s brother and his three children joined Kim, Fiona and I as we took Wesley, our five month old Labrador Great Pyrenees mix puppy to a dog run and then to Long Island sound. Afterward, we stopped for a late lunch.

Back home, I rested a little bit, and then Kim and I went to dinner with some friends in town.

Now, I’m tired, and will probably go to bed early. Let’s see if I come up with something more substantial to write about tomorrow.

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