Sony and our National Security

(Originally published in Greater Democracy)

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about Sony's 'rootkit' that they had secretly been installing on computers around the world and the security issues it has raised.

As I read this, I felt compelled to write the following letter to my Congressperson, Chris Shays, who is chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations.

Rep. Shays,

As Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, I wish to bring your attention to a recent threat to our National Security. Recently, a large international organization initiated an electronic attack on computers around the world, including computers at the Department of Defense.

Through the distribution of audio CDs, they secretly installed software allowing them to gain and maintain access to the infected computers. The issue is starting to be discussed in the mainstream press, for example at Wired (,1848,69601,00.html ) and the Washington Post ( ).

I would urge the Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations to fully investigate this electronic attack and take actions against the large international organization to assure that our country remains safe from such attacks.

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