Sheehy, Massie, Trippi, and Alicea

Between my new job and this being a relatively quite period in electoral politics, I haven’t written much about candidates recently. However, there are a few different things that I should write about.

First, Woodbridge will be having Municipal elections next Monday. First Selectman Ed Sheehy is running for re-election, and If I wasn’t so busy, I’d be out working hard to get him re-elected. He’s done a good job for Woodbridge.

Then, there is the news about Bob Massie’s campaign for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I met Bob about thirty years ago, and I’m very excited about his campaign. Today, another exciting development happened. Joe Trippi joined Bob’s campaign. Also today, it was announce that Alan Khazei was making another bid for the seat. The little bit that I’ve read about Khazei sound very interesting and if Massie wasn’t running, I could imagine supporting him.

One final bit of Massachusetts politics: I received a call yesterday about Geraldo Alicea’s campaign for State Rep. in Massachusetts. He had run in November and tied his opponent. There is a rematch for May 10th and Democrats are hoping to get the Latino vote out, a vote they say was suppressed by conservatives talking about the need for a voter-id law in Massachusetts. Hopefully, some of my friends can help get the vote out for Rep. Alicea.

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