@CACHCA_RCACCS @CHIGAMIK @HealthJusticeCT @CHCConnecticut @AmeriCorps @CommHealthCorps @CHCHealthCorps @AmeriCorpsWeek
This week’s Follow Friday post is based on whose messages I have been retweeting recently. The first two, @CACHCA_RCACCS and @CHIGAMIK are regular participants of the Thursday afternoon #chcchat. I’ve met a lot of interesting people on these tweet chats and we regularly retweet one another.
Coming up next is @HealthJusticeCT. They sent me a direct message at my work account, asking that I retweet a message they had posted about a survey they are doing. I retweeted it from both my personal account and on behalf of @CHCConnecticut where I work.
One of the great things about @CHCConnecticut is that we have a wonderful group of @AmeriCorps members. AmeriCorps members at health centers are part of @CommHealthCorps and those at CHC tweet as @CHCHealthCorps. This week is @AmeriCorpsWeek and our AmeriCorp members have been crossing the State of Connecticut doing great community service projects.
There are so many great people on Twitter that I’ve been retweeting, I could go on and on, but this is a pretty good list for now. So, who are you following? Who are you retweeting?