#ff #hcsmct @CTHealth @ctdph @CHCConnecticut @HealthJusticeCT @cshhc @CTHealthCenters @CTVoices @WCGMemorialFund

Earlier today, @CTHealth tweeted about these groups being people that do #hcsmct right. It actually reflects an important discussion I’ve been in this week and I was glad to see the tweet and use it as a starting point for my follow Friday blog post.

For those who haven’t read my follow Friday blog posts, I list my suggestions for the week, and then provide some thoughts on why I’ve suggested them.

I use Twitterfeed to pull the blog post and create a tweet, so it will go up on Twitter, with a link back to the blog. Nice, easy, and automated.

For those who aren’t acquainted with the hashtag #ff, that is follow Friday, a means of sharing information about who you think is worth following.

#hcsmct is a newly concocted hashtag. There is a hashtag, #hcsm for Health Care Social Media. Different groups use variations of the #hcsm hashtag for their area, so some of us have talked about #hcsmct for people doing social media for health care issues in Connecticut.

@CTHealth is the Connecticut Health Foundation, a very important group dealing with health issues in Connecticut. @CTDPH is the Connecticut Department of Public Health. It is great to see a state agency making strong use of Twitter. They are now just a few followers away from the 2000 mark.

@CHCConnecticut is the Community Health Center, headquartered in Middletown with sites across the state. I am their social media manager. @HealthJusticeCT is a group focusing on raising awareness of and addressing health disparities in Connecticut. I’ve had some great discussions with people from @HealthJusticeCT.

@cshhc is Cornell Scott Hill Health Center in New Haven. The are a community health center, like CHC is and it is great to see them using Twitter.

@CTHealthCenters is the association of community health centers in Connecticut. I’ve spoken a little bit with people there and it is great to see them on Twitter as well.

@CTVoices is Connecticut Voices for Children, a group I’ve supported even before twitter was around.

@WCGMemorialFund is the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund works collaboratively to improve education for CT's children. This is a new group to me and I look forward to learning more about them.

Together, all of us can work find ways of addressing health issues in our state, whether it be focusing on children, health disparities, on serving the underprivileged, or focusing on public health issues.

I really look forward to seeing what #hcsmct can do together.

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