The slow spring rain drags into the lazy Saturday afternoon. It's been a long week at work, and a long weekend, starting off with the dog barking at raccoons, deer, and linemen early in the morning. This has been followed by housecleaning. We are going through our belongings to get rid of things we no longer need or use, sort of like a willful amnesia, throwing out outward and visible signs of memories long gone.
At work, I spend time carefully selecting and placing words in away to help the agency build healthier communities. At home, I get time for other words. Often, they are political in nature. There are also the social words of my life on the blog, Twitter and Facebook. Yet I've been thinking a lot more about words recently.
When I get a moment, I try to watch some of the Introduction to Theory of Literature YouTube videos. I peruse content about Foucault, Deleuze and others. And, when I find a free moment, I read some poetry.
These different worlds seem so far apart. How do we bring together the beauty of words, as found in poems, with the deep thoughts of the philosophers into the discourses of daily life, especially when there are political overtones, or parts of the audience may have limited linguistic ability.
These are the things that occupy my mind on a rainy Saturday afternoon, but right now, the house is quiet, so perhaps I will nap.