Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit
If March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, how does May go out and June come in? In terms of the weather, it has been beautiful, although a little warmer a couple days than I would have liked. Yet from a personal perspective, it has been quite a ride.
My own campaign for State Representative has been taking off a bit more slowly than I would like. It seems like everyone is pretty busy right now, myself included, and things just aren't getting completed.
In politics, there has been other things happening. In 2008, I supported John Edwards in the primary. I liked his focus on the issues of poverty. His personal failings soon became known and he was recently tried for campaign finance violations. While it was pretty clear that his personal actions were reprehensible, it was far from clear that they were campaign finance violations. In the end, the jury acquitted him on one charge, and couldn't come to agreement on the other charges.
Then, here in Connecticut, Chris Donovan's Finance Director has been charged with violating campaign finance laws. I also support Chris Donovan, and I was very disappointed to hear this. A lot of people are quick to react, leaping from the arrest of an aide to the conviction, in their minds, of Donovan himself, calling this the end of Donovan's career. It's still way to early to tell what will happen with this. I still support Donovan, barring anything incriminating coming out about him, as opposed to any of his staffers.
Donovan did quickly fire the staffers and take on Tom Swan as his new campaign manager. Swan is a great campaign manager, and has been a leading voice against political corruption. We'll see how he handles this campaign. The biggest issues are probably that whether or not Donovan can be bought, the crisis came about because, to some, it appeared that he could be bought, and the actions of his campaign staff reinforces this image. On top of this, it may make it much more difficult for Donovan to fundraise over the weeks leading up to the primary.
On a final note, yesterday, SpaceX's Dragon capsule returned to early, with a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean. I listened to the NASA stream of the re-entry and splashdown, and was old enough to remember the astronauts coming back from the moon and splashing down in the ocean. It was a curious deja vu. I thought about a blog post I wrote for work, close to a year ago about the end of the shuttle program. At the time, it was sad to see a program that carried so many hopes and dreams come to an end. Yesterday, it was great to have old symbols represent a new horizon of hopes and dreams for exploration.
Hopefully, this will play out in the political arena as well.
So, I start the new month with the customary Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit, and wonder what sort of luck this month will bring.