Engaging in Health Care Discussions

One of the recurring themes in my recent blog posts has been my participation in the Connecticut Health Foundations Health Leadership Fellows Program. It has been a very engaging program which has given me lots to think about. For those interested in participating next year, applications are due April 1st. Please check out the program and see if it might be for you. If you have questions, feel free to contact me directly.

If you have an idea about how to help achieve health justice in Connecticut, you may want to check out the Health Justice CT Challenge. Submissions should include a simple two minute or less video describing the project. I hope to share some of these videos in the coming weeks. Just remember, what matters is the idea, so if you have a great idea, but can't make a great video, make a simple video and let people see the idea. The deadline is February 22nd. Last year, there were some great ideas proposed, and hopefully we'll see some really good ideas proposed this year as well.

If you've got smaller ideas, consider texting them. The Community Health Center Association of Connecticut has a program called Txt 2B Heard. Just text the keyword txt2bheard together with you ideas about how to make health care better to 24587.

If you're looking for more of a discussion, consider joining the Health Care in Social Media CT Group We have monthly meetups and weekly tweetchats. The Meetups are the first Wednesday of every month and the Tweetchats are every other Wednesday at 3 PM, using the #hcsmct hashtag.

Finally, if you're looking for a panel discussion, consider attending the Connecticut Social Media Breakfast on February 22nd at Quinnipiac. February's breakfast will be on Social Media and Healthcare and I will be one of the panelists.

There's a lot of interesting discussions about health care going on here in Connecticut, and I hope you'll find ways to join in.

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