So much depends...
I continue to use Facebook as a writing prompt. This morning, I looked at status updates from my friends. Many were pictures of their kids or their vacations. The line from William Carlos Williams’ poem, The Red Wheelbarrow, came to mind, “So much depends…”
Next, as if Facebook were reading my mind, came an advertisement for Depends. I’ve turned fifty-five, not eighty-five.
A few friends posted about “Townhouse” closing in Washington, DC. This was a watering hole of young progressive technology activists years ago that I would stop at on my trips to DC. I still have some Townhouse stories, but I’ll save them for another time.
Another friend posted about going to Arima, an old hot spring town in Kobe, Japan. Then, a friend posted about Jack, an old dog that had been rescued. It was his first time going to a beach, and he swam like a seal, smiling from ear to ear. Others posted further reflections from Falcon Ridge.
A big theme seems to be travels, and especially, travelling to new places. My mind wanders to Wim Wenders’s Road Trilogy and from there to my blog posts a while back virtually visiting places from William Least Heat Moon’s Blue Highways.
Are these Facebook prompts, as well as some other possible upcoming adventures, leading to some new travel directions upon which so much depends? Time will tell.