Day In Day Out
The plain fact is that you graduating seniors do not yet have any clue what "day in day out" really means.
My wife and I both had long days today, not doing anything especially noteworthy, just doing a lot of those “day in day out” tasks that make up a large part of adult life. So, I picked, up a grinder on the way home. In the car, I listened to All Things Considered and Marketplace on public radio. Day in and day out, they produce those shows. One segment talked about a photographer for Saturday Night Live, a show produced weekly for forty years.
One of my tasks for the day was going over the interview questions for an upcoming guest on Conversations on Health Care with the producer, I have a sense at what it takes to produce a show, week after week, and am awed by people who can produce a daily show.
These are shows that inform and entertain. This year, I’ve gotten back into the swing of writing in my blog daily, day in day out. There are times that it is a struggle. I sometimes think it would be better to skip a day here and there rather than put up a blog post that really isn’t all that interesting, posts that perhaps neither inform nor entertain.
Yet my daily online performance is just part of many daily performances. My performance at work and at home. The performances of those making the grinder I brought home. Hopefully, it makes me a better writer. Hopefully, it is putting together a collection of ideas, perhaps like Deleuze’s plateaus or Wittengenstein’s Zettel, but that is a different idea to explore.
So, day fades into night. I write my blog post, do a little research online and head off to bed.