Incomplete Thoughts

It’s been one of those days, one of those weeks, too much going on. This morning, I spoke with Mairead about her resume as she looks at what she does next in Japan. It was a lively discussion with lots of things to write about. Kim’s phone died so she got a new one, as well as a tablet. They both need configuring. I’ve spent a little time doing this configuration.

Then, I stopped to try and get some of my daily writing done. It turns out my web server crashed, so I needed to fix that.

One my computer, I have around 80 tabs and windows open. They are all different projects or ideas partway completed. I have other ideas percolating in my mind. Yet any one of them would take a while to formulate into a blog post.

Then, there is the pile of books next to my bed that I’m reading bits and pieces of.

Now, the server is up, Fiona is using the tablet with a few apps installed. Kim’s phone is updating itself, and I’m finally writing. Rhizomatic learning and twentieth century Japanese gender studies. Upgrading to Android 5.0. Configuring an LG tablet, and making phone calls via Google Hangouts. Stars using their star power for good, like Alicia Keyes or Jared Padalecki. The Fandom of Jesus Christ.

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