“The Sacrament of Unity”

And that man said that any church where black and white drink from the same cup has discovered something I want to be apart of and that the world needs to learn about. That man and that woman were my parents. This is the sacrament of unity that can overcome even the deepest estrangements between human beings.

Eucharist: The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry

I don’t remember how I first became acquainted with Bishop Curry. I imagine it was as I was reading about the turmoil at General Theological Seminary, or perhaps reading something about the Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church. Maybe it was from one of my Episcopalian friends online.

I do remember following him on Twitter and sending him a friend request on Facebook and watching the video linked above. I regularly liked his Facebook posts about his visits to different churches, about confirmations and ordinations. Then, he was nominated for Presiding Bishop and yesterday, elected Presiding Bishop.

Many of the news stories talk about the first African American Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. I posted on Facebook “A first for The Episcopal Church! Electing a Presiding Bishop who is a friend on Facebook!” Both are important.

Bishop Curry talks about “The Sacrament of Unity”. It is a sacrament sorely needed today, and Bishop Curry using social media can make this sacrament more accessible.

I’m pretty excited.

Buen Camino

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