Chevy Volt Stats
We got our used Chevy Volt about eleven months ago. It had around 21,000 miles on it and had used 229 gallons of gasoline. Today, I checked some of the numbers. We now have over 41,000 miles on it and burnt a total of 350 gallons. So, by my calculations, we’ve gotten about 160 miles per gallon of gasoline used.
From various calculations, it seems like we get around 40 miles per gallon when we are using gas. If this is accurate it would mean that we’ve probably driven about 6,000 miles on gasoline and 13,000 miles on electricity.
Using MyGreenVolt, the times I’ve checked I’m probably averaging about 4.5 miles per kWh. Again, if this is an accurate calculation, then we’ve probably used 2,900 kWh in the Volt.