The Whale Watch

It was a nearly perfect day for our annual whale watching trip. The rain and fog had moved on leaving the sky a dull grey, and the sea nearly a mirror. Even the slightest movement of sea creatures seemed amplified.

With the rain and the fog, the heat and humidity left, making the smooth ride even more comfortable in the cooler, drier air. The whales seemed to be enjoying themselves as well, as minke and fin whales sped around the boat and humpback mother whales played nearby.

Kim and Fiona stood on the bow of the boat for much of the trip, but I remained seated, except when we were near whales.

After the whale watch, we headed up the pier to our annual dinner at The Lobster Pot. Like the whale watch, this was also highly enjoyable, and after a great dinner, we returned to our campsite to decompress and prepare for another night on Cape Cod.

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