The Process - Sept 2nd Update
Today, I received an email, which said in part:
Bishop Douglas, a few members of the Commission on Ministry and I look forward to meeting with you and Amanda next Thursday (September 10) at 4pm at The Commons.
It is the next step in a process that began a little over three months ago. Or maybe not. Maybe it began forty years ago when I was still in high school, or at some other time. Whatever we consider the starting point, it moved to a new level back in May.
It is a process that is deeply personal. I have spoken with a few people here and there, to friends that are priests or who would understand my journey and this process. Slowly, as things have become clearer, I have started to share more and more what is going on, with more and more people.
It is also a community process. I run into other people who can offer me guidance. I run into other people on similar journeys. I have been writing about the process, and writings call for an audience.
I am exploring the possibility of seeking Holy Orders, of becoming a priest. Am I hearing God’s call to me properly? What does God have in store for me? At what point does it become real enough to talk publicly about?
As part of the process, I’ve been asked to write a spiritual autobiography and an essay about how I “anticipate, as an ordained leader, helping the Episcopal Church in Connecticut be more faithful to God’s Mission” for the meeting which happens on the 10th.
I was thinking, perhaps I would wait until after the meeting to post about it. Yet by writing my spiritual autobiography and essay and committing to the meeting, I have taken important steps on this journey. I believe it is a journey God is calling me to. I feel that I need to talk with others about the journey. Talking about the journey is part of the journey. As a participant observer in the process, perhaps I am meant to leave breadcrumbs along the way for others exploring similar journeys.
There is so much more that I’ve written. So much more that needs to be written. Yet for now, I’ll leave it as is. If you are inclined to pray for me on my journey, thank you. If you are on a similar journey and want to compare notes, let me know.
Buen Camino.