At the end of the day
“At the end of the day you’re another day older”
The lyrics from Les Mis come to mind at the end of this day. I’ve started using Workflowy to try and organize all the material that comes at me in a day. It is an interesting experiment. At the end of the say, I have over twenty tabs open in my browser. I sent about two dozen emails at work, have about fifty unread emails from today, but did manage to clear out about 250 work emails.
There are also 42 new unread personal emails. Since I was at work for most of the day, I only got a chance to write one outgoing personal email.
There are about 100 items in my RSS reader. I’m currently using the Digg reader.
There continues to be more coming at me than I have time to process. Can I use Workflowy to organize things so I get a higher percentage of the information coming at me processed? Can I use it so that I manage to read the most important stuff?
I’ll try to clean things up as much as I can this evening. Get some personal reading done, and get some sleep. Then, I’ll monitor to see if any tools or techniques can really help manage the flow of information.