March 3
Another busy day and emotionally draining day has come to an end. It has been a good day; productive meetings, fruitful conversations. It has been a hard day. On the street I saw a homeless man I know who struggles with alcohol get arrested, I read comments to my recent blog post from people who just don’t seem to get it,and I thought about the disorderliness of our current civic life. It has been a day of uncertainty, and I wait and work towards various hopes and desires. It has been a day of being aware of being on a journey, of being in a different place from where I started and not yet being at the place where I’ll end up.
The next few days are going to be very busy. Too many things happening at the same time, and so I’ll have to miss a few of them. So, I’ll write this brief piece, try to get some sleep, and then head into my tasks tomorrow. I’ve sought to write daily, but I’ve missed a few days, and I may miss a few more this weekend. However, I continue to get lots of additional ideas to write about later.