Wordless Wednesday
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 22:32Citizen Journalism and The Primary Place
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Tue, 11/13/2007 - 14:51Recently, I received an email from Jon Greenberg about Primary Place Online (PPO). I had spoken with Jon months ago about PPO, and I was curious to find out how it was going.
The site is described in their about page as growing “out of a radio series from New Hampshire Public Radio”. It is summed up as:
The idea behind Primary Place Online is simple. New Hampshire voters get many chances to see the candidates in person. Voters in places like California, Missouri and New York do not. The web has now given us a way for the citizens of New Hampshire to share the unique advantages of living in this state with voters everywhere.
I’ve spent a bit of time reading posts on PPO. Most of them are written in the first person, and the voices of the writers, like icy water down a granite-strewn stream, captures wonderfully my experiences in New Hampshire.
You should visit the site to hear what real people are saying about the candidates, and not simply plants at a campaign stop or a faux news conference.
Even more importantly, I believe that PPO says something about how citizen journalism can and should work. Back in March, Jay Rosen and Arianna Huffington announced their new venture, Off the Bus Back then I wrote
I hope that Jay and Arianna’s efforts will help people find their voice in the political discourse. However, I worry that it might be the same rich white ivy school educated young men that I run into on the blogs and the conferences across our country. I worry that the discourse might end up being not substantially different from the nasty, horse race, Coke or Pepsi type coverage that we see in the traditional mainstream media.
So far, Off the Bus hasn’t caught my attention. Glancing at the bios of the recent writers I find one who chaired “the platform committee for the national Independence Party in 1992”. Another who “currently serves as Executive Director of the New Hampshire Coalition for Common Sense Marijuana Policy”. The next one I read was “Director of Publicity for The Nation Magazine” This was followed by “The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law”. That isn’t even a person, it is a center. Finally, I got to a woman, who is “research and investigative projects director for Public Campaign, a national advocacy and educational center dedicated to campaign finance reforms that reduce the power of big money in elections and amplify the voices of ordinary voters within the political process”
Well, these voices somehow have failed to resonate with me. Over at PPO, I find different sorts of biographies. An “MRI Technologist” and has “been working in the healthcare industry for 14 years.” The second was only listed as a ‘coach’, who was unaffiliated. This was followed by a stay at home mom and a student.
So, what is it that makes PPO work for me? I offered comments to Jon about this, which I thought I would share here.
First, as far as I know, PPO invites citizen journalists to write about something they are interested in, that touches their daily life. You don't have to give specific writing assignments, just give them the framework. I know that one of the problems people working on citizen journalism have run into is not finding people who are interested in what the site is about. Perhaps some of that stems from the lack of a useful framework to operate in.
Once you have people that are interested, you have to teach them the basics. I touched on this a little bit back in 2005 when I wrote about The Video Divide. Giving people the technology to shoot and distribute video, or even simply to share a story isn’t enough. I think PPO does a great job of this in their Message for Exeter Residents.
With citizen journalists willing to work within a specific framework and armed not only with the technological tools but with the basic journalist tools, the final thing to do is to get out of the way and watch what emerges. PPO is moderated, but the only criteria is civility and facts. There isn’t an editorial effort to fit the stories to some narrative, instead there is an effort to watch to see what sort of narratives emerge.
In an email to me, Jon says his gut is telling him that he is building some sort of infrastructure. It isn’t only a technological infrastructure, a platform for doing this sort of news gathering, but it is also about building habits of citizens to look at the facts and present them civilly and from a personal perspective. Where will it lead after the primary? It is hard to tell. But, it seems to me that anyone who is seriously interested in citizen journalism should pay very close attention to the Primary Place.
NaNoWriMo Hand Wringing
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 15:45When I went to my first NaNoWriMo Write-In, an old hand at NaNoWriMo, on hearing that I blog pretty much every day said I would be in good shape for NaNoWriMo. One of the biggest problems is simply getting into the habit of writing something every day. It reminded me of what so many people have said about the discipline of writing. Between blogs and emails, I do write everyday. This month, I’ve written at least one blog entry every day. I’ve written at least one section for my novel everyday. A few days, they were short of the 1,667 word goal, but most days they have been well ahead of the goal.
Over on her blog, purplecar writes that the Nanowrimo theory is not working for her. She says she is very serious about writing a novel and doesn’t want to waste her time writing crap. Will NaNoWriMo be a good use of her time?
Well, I too hope that someday, I will write the next Great American Novel. It would be wonderful, in so many ways, if my current effort turns out to be that, but I’m dubious. I guess I come back to the old advice, hope for the best (Great American Novel), prepare for the worst (an incomplete pile of drek that I delete from my harddrive), and be satisfied with whatever comes.
So, where does the NaNoWriMo theory fit in? Well, I guess there are a couple different thoughts on this. Writing is both a discipline and a love. It is sort of like marriage, and I remember an old philosophy professor once quipping, “It isn’t love that keeps marriage together, it is marriage that keeps love together.” It is the discipline to return to the object of your love when they or it has disappointed you, or when you have been the disappointment.
So, I keep returning to my novel, on the days that I cannot type fast enough, as well as the days when I’ve already brushed my teeth six times. When I do show sections to friends, I point out that it is a very rough draft of a first write through and mostly ask for further ideas about my characters and the plot.
Will it work? The past couple of days were slower, more challenging, but I cranked through. Other days were wonderful and the words wouldn’t stop. As I write this post, I have 22,918 words to go to reach the goal. I still worry about running out of storyline, but I’ve got some great ideas coming.
So, hang in there my fellow NaNoWriMo writers. The discipline is worth it.
The State of Student Free Speech
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 13:38Last Thursday, the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, sponsored a discussion at Quinnipiac University School of Law concerning “The State of Student Free Speech”, particularly as it relates to the Avery Doninger case. I grew up in Williamstown, MA, and frequently would go to events at Williams College, so it was great to see Avery at the discussion, following the topic at least as well as many of the law school students there.
The discussion started off with a welcome from Brad Saxton, Dean of Quinnipiac Law. This was followed by a great exposition of the issues by Professor Emeritus Martin B. Margulies. Prof. Margulies has followed the case closely, having filed an amicus brief in the initial hearing as part of the Connecticut ACLU, and for the hearing before the Second Circuit, as a member of the American Constitution Society.
NaNaWriMo and Autumn Leaves.
Submitted by Aldon Hynes on Mon, 11/12/2007 - 10:32The past few days, I’ve been spending a bit of time off line. I’m still managing to get at least one blog post up everyday, and get at least 1,667 words of the novel written each day. I’m holding my own on the never-ending influx of emails. So, it doesn’t feel like I’m making any headway, but it doesn’t feel like I’m losing ground either.
Yesterday, Fiona and I went for a hike in the Naugatuck State Forest. The day before, we went with Kim to Sperry Falls. Both days, Barley came along for a romp in the woods. (See our photos on Flickr.)
Apparently we weren’t the only ones taking advantage of a beautiful fall weekend to take our dogs for a walk in the woods. Heather, whose blog I found via MyBlogLog took her dog, Lily for some walks in the Ohio foliage.
But perhaps these autumnal strolls are good for the writing anyway. Yesterday, I received a NaNoWriMo ‘pep talk from Sue Grafton’. In her email to all NaNoWriMo participants, she writes of her dreams for her novels,
The pacing will be relentless, yet the story will ebb and flow in a manner that will produce both thrilling surprises and quiet moments where the reader can reflect on what's gone before.
This weekend was filled with quiet moments of reflection, and it showed up in the sections of the story. I’m that the pace will quicken before I know it.